Irradiation Color

Color irradiation is a non-invasive treatment method that uses light passing through a colored glass or film coating. This radiation method is used to improve the condition of the skin, prevent aging and combat various diseases.

Unlike ordinary light radiation, which passes only through clear glass lenses,

Irradiation with colored rays is a treatment with light passing through a colored film and/or a special color filter. This type of treatment is carried out by **ultraviolet treatment**. As is known, ultraviolet radiation has a positive effect on the entire human body. And also a person in general was influenced by the irradiation of colored rays, helping him to recover and recover from various diseases.

The irradiation of colored rays occurs in a specially shaped chamber, due to which the air itself darkens. Thanks to this filter principle, which operates mainly near the ground, a person’s blood circulation and metabolism of the body improve, which helps, for example, when treating joints, patients get rid of pain and aches. Ultraviolet light improves blood circulation in the body, nourishes it and increases tone, giving the body strength. If the patient has any acute inflammation, then their attenuation may also be observed. This effect is especially useful in case of fever and allergies. Chronic diseases of the lymphatic system are also susceptible to such irradiation. Thus, due to the effect of improving blood circulation, a person’s immune forces are able to successfully fight those chronic diseases that drug treatment cannot eliminate.