Irradiation Pendulum

Irradiation using the pendulum method is one of the most common methods in medical diagnostics. This method is based on the use of a pendulum, which allows you to determine the direction of movement of the X-ray beam.

Pendulum irradiation is a technique in which an x-ray beam is directed at an object and then deflected using a pendulum. The angle of beam deflection can be changed by changing the angle of the pendulum.

When using the pendulum method, information about the size and shape of an object, as well as its density, can be obtained. In addition, this method allows for real-time research, which makes it very convenient for use in medicine.

One of the advantages of using the pendulum method is its low cost and ease of use. In addition, it allows you to examine objects without damaging them.

However, this method also has some disadvantages. For example, when using a pendulum, interference may occur that may affect the accuracy of the test results. Also, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to correctly adjust the beam deflection angle.

In general, irradiation using the pendulum method is a fairly effective and convenient method for conducting medical research. It allows you to obtain information about the size, shape and density of objects, as well as conduct research in real time. However, to achieve accurate results, it is necessary to take into account some features of this method and correctly adjust the beam deflection angle.

Pendulums: history of creation and application

Pendulums are physical devices that are used to measure time, acceleration, speed and other physical parameters. They were created in ancient times and were used to determine the position of the Moon, Sun and stars. Today, pendulums are used in scientific research, industry and everyday life.

One type of physical pendulum is the pendulum