Ultraviolet irradiation

Irradiation with ultraviolet radiation, or UV irradiation, is one of the most effective methods of disinfection and disinfection of surfaces and objects. UV radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that falls between visible light and x-rays. Ultraviolet rays are highly penetrating and can affect molecules and cells, causing them to break down or change.

UV irradiation can be used in a variety of fields, including medicine, industry, agriculture and laboratory research. In medicine, UV radiation can treat various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema and others. In addition, UV rays can be used to prevent infectious diseases such as flu and colds.

In industry, UV radiation is used to disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with bacteria or viruses. For example, ultraviolet lamps can be used in hospitals, schools, offices and other public places to disinfect air and surfaces.

UV radiation is also widely used in laboratory research for fluorescent analysis of various objects. Fluorescent analysis allows you to study the structure and composition of molecules and cells, as well as determine their concentration in solution.

Although effective, UV radiation can be hazardous to health if precautions are not taken. Therefore, it is necessary to use special protective equipment, such as glasses and gloves, when working with ultraviolet lamps. It is also important to ensure that there is no direct skin contact with UV radiation, as this can cause burns.

Thus, irradiation with ultraviolet radiation has wide application in various fields and can be an effective means for disinfecting and disinfecting objects. However, it is necessary to take precautions and use protective equipment when working with UV emitters.

Ultraviolet medicine studies the effects of ultraviolet radiation. It began its development back in the days of the first medical technology. Numerous specialists are still interested in this science due to the fact that ultraviolet rays are widely used to disinfect water and surfaces, improve the health and treatment of humans and animals.

But the problem is that not all people know how long they can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation to obtain all the necessary effects and how it affects