Obsessiveness - in psychology, a nonspecific disorder in a person or group of people (obsessive neurotics), bordering on obsession or religious fanaticism in the absence of psychotic arousal; The most common mental disorder. In some cases, this phenomenon may be associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
There are many different forms of compulsions, and they can affect different people at different points in their lives. For example, someone may be constantly obsessed with washing their hands, others may worry about making a mistake, others may be afraid to leave the house or not start their morning without a certain sequence of actions. In some cases, compulsive activities may cause discomfort and reduce quality of life, while in other cases they may be seen as enjoyable activities performed mechanically. Here are some examples of obsessive behaviors and their causes.
General obsessive-compulsive disorders and psychotherapy
General obsessive phenomena occur in people in approximately 5% of cases.