General treatment of vomiting

As for the general discussion about the treatment of vomiting, when vomiting occurs from eating bad food, correct the food and improve it, resorting to the help of some of the aromatic remedies we mentioned to strengthen the stomach, hot or cold, depending on what is more pleasant. If the cause of vomiting is matter, malignant or profuse, you remove this matter, according to the rules mentioned, with the help of drinking medicines and enemas; reduce the amount of food and soften the diet, prescribe fasting and light exercise. Suitable enemas appropriate to the disease are beneficial because they deflect the matter downwards; Vomiting is often interrupted by acute enemas. Vomiting also stops further vomiting if it is due to the presence of matter. You cure vomiting by inducing vomiting of this matter in order to remove it, using, for example, one hot water or hot water with sikanjubip or dill or radish juice with honey and similar remedies that you learned about in your place. When the substance we want to remove by vomiting or other means is thick, we start by thinning it and tearing it off and then remove it. If nausea, as well as vomiting, comes from a disorder of the nature, it is treated with means that change the nature, and if it is necessary to induce numbness, then this is done as we will shortly describe.

The goal we have in treating nausea is to expel the nauseating juice or reduce its quantity or break it up if it is thick, sticky and dense. Or we correct it, if it is putrid, with the incense of medicines that we give to drink, for the fragrant smell is very pleasant to the stomach, especially when it comes from nutrients; or we advise you not to think about vomiting if your senses are very busy with it. The diversion of agitated matter to the extremities greatly helps to delay vomiting, especially if it occurs as a result of juices rushing into the stomach from the organs surrounding the stomach. This is achieved by bandaging the limbs, especially the lower ones, such as the legs and feet, with bandages coming down from the top. Sometimes warming the extremities and putting them in hot water also helps; Often it is necessary to apply medicine to the arm and leg, causing redness and ulceration. Surprisingly, warming the extremities helps to calm the vomiting by distracting the matter, and cooling them helps to calm the rapid hot vomiting by its cooling effect. Cooling the stomach also works.

Some doctors claim that grinding bitter almonds, soaking them in water, straining the water and giving it to drink is the best treatment for rising and overwhelming vomiting. Fava beans boiled with their skins in diluted vinegar help a lot with this. Lentils, if you drain them of the water in which they were boiled and boil them again in vinegar, “are beneficial in this case. A medicine of this kind has been tested for vomiting: take sukkah, raw aloe and cloves in equal parts and give it all drink in apple juice. The resin of cloves is better than the cloves themselves; the quantity remains the same. If you put cloves in this medicine when there is no clove resin, and put together with the cloves oregano as much as cloves, it will be excellent and will replace the clove resin.

Try as much as you can to put such patients to sleep, this is the basis of treatment. One of the useful means in this case is to force them to swallow, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant for them, meat juice with a lot of spices. Add dry coriander to the meat juice and add fragrant wine; if it is tart, so much the better. Sometimes this drink is crumbled like white bread. This kind of drinking puts the sick to sleep, and when they fall asleep, they sweat. If the patient's nature is dry, then delay vomiting with any astringents with drying properties, use them in moderation without causing harm. Also prescribe enemas and let go of nature, and then turn to thickly brewed fruit juices. Nausea and vomiting are often relieved by bloodletting. If the patient vomits and the fortifying medicine that inhibits vomiting is expelled, then give it again, and if the aversion to it is very strong, change something in its color or smell.

Know that if nausea is annoying, but is not accompanied by vomiting, you should help it with mild emetics so that the patient vomits up bad food or juice. If you need to induce slight relaxation, do this, and then strengthen the stomach with the oils mentioned above, especially spikenard oil, pure or mixed with rose oil, as you deem best, and also warm the stomach. Often nausea occurs not after eating, but on a lean stomach, and cannot turn into vomiting due to the paucity of matter. Then the patient must eat some food: if he becomes full, he will vomit easily and the juice will be expelled along with the vomit. Nausea resulting from warmth or dryness is most often relieved by cooling and moisturizing dressings cooled with snow. The patient is also given cold water, cooled by snow, into which something like thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes and thickly brewed rhubarb juice is sometimes added. As for nausea from matter, it is impossible to avoid cleansing the stomach with appropriate means; then the quality remaining in the stomach is treated with fragrant, hot by nature, medicines that counteract it, and thickly brewed juices, hot or cold, in each case, respectively. Feed little by little to all the patients whom you are treating and want to feed, so that nausea does not arise again.

If the patient is predisposed to vomiting after eating and the food does not stay in his stomach, the astringent bandages mentioned in the “Canon” should be applied to his stomach; when there is no heat in the stomach, they add, for example, saliva, sumbul, frankincense, myrrh. Such patients benefit greatly from amaricune lozenges, which Galen praised. They are given to drink if there is fever and thirst, with thickly brewed juices like pomegranate juice, and especially with mint juice, and after this they are given diluted wine, if the patient’s nature allows. And if there is no fever, then they are given with water. “The cakes of Ankylaus are very helpful for such patients; cakes of this kind are useful for them if there is coldness in the stomach: take: wild ginger, cloves, ear, Chinese cinnamon, mastic, incense, one danak each, opium one qirat, beaver stream qirat, sabura  quarter of a dirham. One of the good remedies for one who vomits the food he has eaten is to eat a lot of coriander in food and lick myrobalan honey. At the same time, they also eat the shells of fresh or dry pistachios and chew incense, matix, aloe, citron roots and mint It is good for such a patient to vomit first and then eat food.

Ancient doctors, who were confused in matters of medicine, treated a person suffering from vomiting, if it was a young man with a stomach full of locked liquid moisture and secreting a lot of saliva, through moderate bloodletting from a vessel, which did not lead to the borders of fainting, when the nature could withstand it. Then he was allowed to rest for several days and after that blood was bled from a vessel located under the tongue. He was then given diuretics and forced to gargle with aphrodisiacs, after which he rested again and then drank Iyaraj prepared with coloquint. Doctors used tricks so that a certain amount of iyapaja remained in the stomach for a short time, and then, “after seven days, they induced vomiting in the patient. After that, jars were constantly kept on his stomach without an incision, then an incision was made, and a poultice with heated water was placed on the incision site. olive oil. The next day, a medicinal bandage was applied to him with crushed fenugreek mixed with honey and garden mallow seeds mixed with olive oil. This was done for three days, and if this was not enough, then they gave him iyaraj from the pulp of coloquinta to drink and lubricated the stomach area tapsia and medicines that cause redness, until pimples and blisters appeared on the place, after which they again gave bitter iyaraj, then a decoction of bitter wormwood, then a medicine made from beaver stream and water, and again caused redness with lighter medicines, after which they used rinses and tear-off medicines.This is an ancient, erroneous method of healing, not following the path explored.

We have outlined ways to treat vomiting according to the established rules, and now we will add some details. If vomiting occurs from a hot cause, then it is especially soothed by the use of kasbah, pomegranate, sumac, rowan and quince, as well as drinks prepared from these substances, and pills of this kind: take one part of henbane seeds, rose seeds, sumac, kasbah of each four parts, and bind with thickly brewed quince juice, taken in double quantity. All this is given in the form of porridge from half a miskal to a miskal, depending on the strength of the patient. This medicine makes you sleepy and calms nausea. When there is no blockage of nature, give pure thickly brewed juices, for example, juice made from unripe grapes or rhubarb and, especially, sour citron juice. Camphor has the special property of preventing hot vomiting and nausea if given to drink in thickly brewed juices or sniffed, or if the stomach area is lubricated with it.

As for a person who seems to be vomiting if he moves after eating, the best treatment for him and for those who vomit food without any admixture of yellow bile and vomit from black bile or from cold juice, “would be , which we will talk about now. Vomiting, the cause of which is cold juice, is treated with warming and drying medicines; these include the following: take celery seeds, anise and wormwood and make cakes from them; give a misqal with cold water to drink at a time. A sour gravy is also prepared for such patients with cumin, pepper and a small amount of rue; these substances are mixed with vinegar and murri.

To treat a person who vomits the food he has eaten due to stomach pain, take the kasbah, pound it and drop a little myrtle berry wine on it, enough to knead the kasbah. Then add a little wine vinegar and a little honey to this and give it to drink. And one more thing: the yolk of one egg is fried, mixed with honey, fifteen hubb of grated mastic are added and eaten. This remedy is used for three days. The lozenges mentioned in the paragraph on stomach pain, which include wormwood and myrrh, also help. These medicines and those similar to them should be given as follows: after meals, astringents, and before meals, glidants, for example, bindweed. It helps such patients to take powders of this kind after meals: incense, acorns and sumac.

An excellent, useful medicine for nausea: take equal parts of dry coriander and dry rue. Drink either with diluted wine, if acid is felt in the esophagus, or with clean cold water, if a burning sensation is felt. Another useful medicine for vomiting that occurs due to the coldness of the stomach or cold juices: wild ginger, scorpionweed, beaver stream "in equal parts, sugar as much as possible. Drink two dirhams at a time, consume for several days. If these measures and the mentioned cakes are not enough , then drink castor oil with an infusion of seeds.

As for vomiting that occurs after indigestion, it is eliminated by treating indigestion and using sutira. Treatment of vomiting resulting from purulent juice consists of removing the juice by vomiting and cleansing the stomach from it, as well as balancing the juice with the qualities of substances with a fragrant odor. Various seeds help with this, for example, anise seeds, celery seeds, tortuous gilly seeds, cumin, wild carrots; the regime should be applied as we have explained, namely: before eating, take substances that cause gliding and softening, and after eating, astringent, aromatic substances, like quince and the like, so that the food descends from the mouth of the stomach to the bottom and the matter deviates to the bottom, and not up. In some cases, it is necessary to give patients cumin and sumac from time to time, and they may need to walk a little after eating. Musk medicine is very helpful for such patients. “Star” cakes with wine in which one hubba musk was dissolved are extremely useful for them.

As for vomiting resulting from black bile, it should, as far as possible, not be locked up. If the patient experiences congestion, he is given bloodletting from basil, and cups are also placed between the shoulder blades to relieve the upper parts of the body from congestion with blood and black bile. Often it is enough to print the overflow; if it is so excessive that it becomes unbearable, then the juices are diverted downward by enemas, which have some pungency, prepared from safflower, polypodium, tribulus, dodder, thyme and medicinal chamomile with the addition of sesame oil and honey. A medicinal bandage like this is applied to the spleen: they take sweet clover, myrtle, frankincense and ears with tart wine; They also give you mint wine with pomegranate juice and spices. If there is a residual overflow, then they bleed from the vessels on the leg and place jars on the shins, and when the vomiting calms down, the black bile is removed with medications from black myrobalans, dodder, agaric and Indian salt. If circumstances force the patient to drink castor oil with bitter iyaraj and dodder, then they do so, and if there is a disease in the spleen, then they treat the spleen.

Vomiting caused by the effusion of liquid burning matter into the stomach, which mixes with food and causes nausea, is helped by eating “star” cakes during an attack and removing the matter with iyaraj when there is no attack, as well as relief with sikanjubip mixed with sabur or sikanjubip , prepared with scammonium gum for the purpose of laxative, and with plum juice and tamarind. Both of these medicines deflect matter downward and calm vomiting with their acid. In such cases, it is necessary to pull the matter down with a soft enema of this kind: take violets, jujubes, peeled barley, tribulus, chamomile, cordia and turbita with violet oil, red sugar and bavrak. You should also drink poppy seed drink after bowel movement.

Alexander's drink of this kind also helps against vomiting: boil quince, sumac, jujube fruits, pomegranate seeds and tamarind, then add incense and a little aloe. Know that when the nature is dry when vomiting, treatment is difficult. That's it, y. those who vomit due to the moisture of the stomach benefit from oatmeal, from oven-dried bread, and from bamboo nodules in various squeezed juices; everything that sticks to this moisture and absorbs it is beneficial. It is often necessary to place cups on such a patient’s stomach and back between the shoulder blades, and it may be necessary to put him to sleep or rock him to sleep on a swing. If the moisture is purulent, then use aromatic numbing agents that resist the deterioration of purulent moisture and its stench. When using astringent and absorbent substances, especially if they are fragrant and even nutritious,   should, when the matter goes deep and is absorbed into the stomach, also use thinning and tearing medicines, for example, shikanjubin and well-known spices. If the matter is thick and viscous, then use something slightly stronger; iyarajas with sikanjubip are involved in most of these medicines. Then such patients are given medicines that calm vomiting and at the same time somewhat warm them, such as a mint drink prepared with pomegranate, in which they put raw aloe wood, or a sorrel drink, in which they put hot spices, aloe wood and citron leaves, and also bitters with musk and quince medicine, all boiled with spices; They also give musk medicine with maybih. Wine made from wormwood helps such patients at all times. Here is a good recipe of this kind: take the juice of sour pomegranate, then thyme and mint, one bunch each, and boil in two liters of water until half remains; One danak of musk and a quarter of a dirham are put in the decoction, all of this in pounded form, and the patient is given to swallow it every hour.

Among the medicines that soothe vomiting of this kind, “is the following medicine: thickly brewed citron juice with aloe and cloves. Mint wine with pomegranate, especially if it contains incense, sukk, pistachio shells, musk, aloe and maybih, very calms vomiting mucus. If you are afraid that frequent, profuse vomiting, whatever it may be, in the absence of fevers with intense heat, will cause loss of strength, then let the patient swallow meat juice obtained from chickens and goat or lamb legs, with the addition of crushed ksk powder, apple juice and a small amount of wine. Make him smell fried chicken, which is pulled apart with your hands in front of his eyes, and let him also smell hot bread. This also includes the following remedy: boil the chicken in water, drain the liquid, then boil it in water again until it is boiled, then pound the meat in a mortar and squeeze the juice out of it into a decoction. Season the decoction with spices, soak the crumb of white bread in it, mix in a little wine, add squeezed apple juice and let it eat. Chickens that have been boiled and then pounded work better than first pounded and then boiled: in the second case, the inherent moisture of the chicken is absorbed and turned into steam, and in the first case, it is locked up.

Nausea, “turning of the soul” and vomiting are sometimes helped by dishes prepared from partridges and chickens and acidified with the juice of unripe grapes, citron acid, sumac and the juice of sour apples, and the bird is fried in the oil of unripe olives. It is not bad to feed such patients with barley oatmeal with cold water, especially if there is a residue of vomit in the stomach; all this should be repeated several times; If such dishes are disgusting to the patient and he vomits from them, then change their appearance, if this is what arouses disgust.

Mention of simple and complex medications that help with nausea and vomiting. Know that chewing mastic, chewing incense or cypress is sometimes useful for these ailments, just like chewing pistachios; Dry rue, if given by the spoonful, is a wonderful remedy. Cloves, if crushed strongly like a powder and sprinkled on a stew prepared with some and squeezed fruit juices, calms vomiting immediately; Cloves also work if you drink it with cold water or boil it in water and give the decoction to drink, especially for children. It is best to sprinkle the broth with mastic. Among the medicines that calm vomiting and nausea is thickly brewed citron juice, if you give it to a patient who is vomiting from excess bile, and if he is vomiting from cold reasons, then citron juice is mixed with raw aloe and cloves. A decoction of pistachio shells, either pure or with spices, also helps; an infusion of grape flowers, pure or with spices and wild cumin, is more effective; maybikh and maysusan are also among the substances needed in this case.

A proven composition that also promotes the absorption of food. Take flaxseed, rhizomes of iris, mastic, cumin, one part each, boil in water sweetened with honey, and consume.

If other treatment measures prove powerless, then it is impossible to avoid numbing agents, the nature of which does not induce vomiting, like the nature of henbane or dope fruit, unless, of course, fragrant drugs are combined with these latter, which retain in them the ability to cause numbness and correct them emetic quality and resist their toxicity. The weakest of these remedies are poppy seeds and lettuce seeds; poppy husks, especially black ones, are more effective; followed by the skin of the wild luffah root. Opium has a stronger effect: a small amount of it is beneficial and safe, especially if it is accompanied by fragrant antidotes that counteract its toxicity.

Here is one of our excellent compositions for this case. Take pistachio shells, sukkah, rose, rose seeds part by part, badzahra half part; if badzahr is not at hand, then add one part of wild ginger, two-thirds of opium, and half of raw aloe. The composition is turned into flat cakes and given up to one misqal to drink each time. Among the excellent drinks for this: compiled by us, is the following: betut of quince and kasbah, one part each, sleeping poppy seeds, a third of a part, poppy husks, an eighth of a part, luffah root peel, a third of a tenth, raw aloe tree, a quarter of a tenth, enough mint juice to cover it all, enough rose water to exceed the liquid level by a finger, clean water, three times double the amount of both liquids. The composition is carefully simmered over low heat until the kasb and quince are softened, then the water is strained off, then the composition is slightly thickened and given to drink. When a patient is given medicines that cause numbness, he should smell the incense all the time; even when he is put to sleep, pleasant perfumes should always remain near him; if any perfumes are disgusting to him, then they move on to others.

Amarikun cakes, as Galen testifies, are beneficial in this case; they combine all the qualities necessary for the treatment of vomiting, especially when the juice is purulent; Such pills are effective against this disease, as written in the Pharmacopoeia. Galen says: “Anise and celery seed are put in them only for the sake of a pleasant smell and for the sake of nutrition, and bitter wormwood for the sake of cleansing and in order to drain the juice, strengthen the mouth of the stomach and tighten it. Chinese cinnamon should counteract the pus with its fragrant odor, transform the juice into something somewhat more serviceable and dissolve it; it has an inherent fragrant smell, pleasant to every organ rich in nerves. Opium is supposed to lull and cause numbness, and the beaver stream is added to correct the bad effect, harm and poisonousness of opium.” As for the “star” cakes, they are also very useful for this condition.

If nausea comes from a weak stomach, then vomiting does not calm it, and one should not try to induce vomiting; if the vomiting rises on its own, then sometimes it helps; Often such nausea is calmed by crushed barley oatmeal. Whoever feels a constant urge to vomit in spring and is accustomed to vomiting mainly at this time of year, let him eat a little about four dirhams of narcissus bulbs with bread and then drink hot water or sikanjubin. However, you should not eat too many daffodil bulbs: they cause cramps.