General discussion about the treatment of tumors arising in the throat area

First of all, it is necessary to remove the tumor-causing matter by bloodletting and relaxation and divert the matter in the opposite direction, at least with the help of blood-sucking cups, which are placed on distant places opposite the tumor. You should also bandage your limbs with a painful bandage. You should start with astringent medicines mixed with medicines that are characterized by easy cleansing and rinsing. The best of these medicines are nut shells, then thickly brewed mulberry juice. Know that timely gargling with vinegar, as soon as swelling of the tongue or sore throat begins, is one of the means that disperses the tumor and prevents its formation by attracting abundant moisture. It also delays swelling that has barely formed. Similar medicines also include alum, galls, pomegranate flowers and boiled pomegranates of both types; They are used to make medicine for licking. Among the methods of treatment that are useful in this case is the following: the patient’s crown is shaved and then lubricated with squeezed acacia juice. This is done on the first day, then they gradually move on to drugs that cause ripening, then to strong opening drugs, including ammonia, saliva and other drugs, which we will mention below. Remedies useful for sore throat include sneezing, caused, for example, by bush, kachim, oleander and marjoram leaves.

One of the tested measures, which due to their properties bring great benefits, from tumors with sore throat, tumors of the uvula, tonsils and generally the organs of the throat, is this: take threads, especially those dyed with sea arjuvan, and strangle the viper with them. Then these threads are wrapped around the neck of a person suffering from such tumors; this brings significant, enormous, amazing benefits, exceeding the degree of the expected effect. Milk is one of the precious medicines at the beginning and at the end of an illness, for it disperses swelling, softens it and soothes it. One should carefully use astringents, ripening agents and dissolving agents, and see what the condition of the patient’s body is in terms of softness and density. Strongly acting medicines should be consumed in the dense body and mildly acting ones in the soft body. You should also take into account the age, nature, time of year and habits of the patient. Sometimes, for tumors of the uvula and tonsils and for their loosening, excision is specially used; We will devote a special paragraph to this.

One of the treatment methods is applying pressure to the sore spot. This is done in three cases: firstly, when a vertebra is displaced, secondly, with tumors of the uvula and tonsils, when they have descended and need to be lifted upward, and thirdly, with mucous tumors, when they narrow the passages. So resort to pressure to cleanse and soften such tumors.

Treatment of zabha, sore throat and all kinds of suffocation for any reason.

As for a hot tumor, it should begin with bloodletting, not removing a lot of blood at once, especially if the patient’s strength has begun to weaken, but taking every hour, until the third day, successively, in parts, ten dirhams. If the patient has not begun to weaken, then the blood must be continuously removed until the one with the strength faints. When withdrawing in parts, one should strive to maintain strength and prevent fainting, because fainting, if it occurs in the weak, causes them to lose strength. Then the difficulty in breathing is accompanied by a loss of strength, especially since patients take little food of their own free will or out of necessity, especially when they have a fever. Something else should be taken into account when bleeding, namely: the reason for the victory of a tumor in sore throats is often the retention of bleeding, especially the usual ones, such as blood during menstruation or blood or kidneys. In this case, blood should be released from a certain side in order to draw the matter in the direction where the delay occurred. So, for example, in the mentioned case, it is necessary to bleed from the venous vein and place the cups on the shin.

When a lot of blood is removed, the painful phenomena sometimes stop immediately, and sometimes the bloodletting has to be repeated the next day. In essence, if circumstances allow, it is better to postpone bloodletting until the tumor matures, so that the body retains strength and is emptied of the very matter of the disease, and limit itself to frequent removal over the course of several days, ten parts by weight of blood or five parts by weight, after which makes breathing easier. For fear of attracting matter, rinsing is also postponed if there is overflow or rinsing causes pain, and rinsing is used only after cleansing.

There is another type of zabkha: in the farthest part of the epiglottis, if the blood is opened before the disease subsides, the tumor will descend to the “place of suffocation.” Most often, the period of angina is recognized, that is, its beginning, intensification, end and decline, by how swallowing occurs: whether its difficulty increases, whether it remains unchanged or decreases. While the disease continues to intensify and there is no need for this, they do not do strong bloodletting and limit themselves to what we said.

When a sore throat does not occur with the participation of congestion of the whole body and the excess matter is only in the throat area, and no tension is felt, then it is possible not to open the blood, but, on the contrary, to remove from the body that which affects and produces dissolution, causing a significant replacement of the dissolved substance with another , and prohibit food. Then the body uses its own blood for nutrition and diverts it from the tumor; it seems to take blood away from her, then it begins to dissolve the tumor and bring it to maturity. If you bleed, the patient sometimes cannot bear fasting and inevitably has to be fed, and feeding also causes suffering, especially if the food is not swallowed.

You should not delay bleeding from a vessel located under the tongue. On the contrary, you need to hurry to do this at least on the first day or even in the intervals between the mentioned bloodlettings in parts, especially if the sublingual vessels are tense. Sometimes you have to bleed from the jugular vein, and sometimes you need to make an incision in the tongue itself and place the cups on the shin, this helps a lot. Anyone who usually has sore throats needs to bleed before they appear, every time you notice congestion, and in the spring. One extremely useful remedy is the immediate use of mild enemas, or even very strong enemas, unless the fever prevents it; in this case, you should limit yourself to mild enemas. Strong enemas and suppositories have a very beneficial effect. You should also apply watering to the limbs and wrap the neck with wool, especially wool that gives lanolin, moistened with some kind of oil: olive or chamomile. This softens and soothes pain.

Then, finally, they mix in distracting medications, if those medications do not help, such as bavrak, mustard, bush, beaver stream, sulfur, as well as strong patches that cause redness. Honey, anacardium and anything that causes abscesses are also used. When feeding patients, you should limit yourself to shikanjubin or honey drink until the third day; then gradually switch to barley water with some sweet drink, egg yolk; later, when it becomes easier to swallow, they eat stews made from “Rum wheat”; at the end of the illness, a stew is prescribed from substances that cause ripening, and later from dissolving substances. If swallowing is difficult, then blood-sucking cups are placed on the neck, at the second vertebra, by suction or with fire, so that the passage gradually widens and so that the swallowed food passes into the throat. When this is finished, the banks are removed. As for the cans with fire, they disappear by themselves. It is also not bad to make an incision and remove the blood from this place and from both sides of the neck; then one jar is placed on the floor. The jars are also placed on the chin, under the throat, after the formation of matter has stopped; all this distracts matter in the opposite direction and reduces its quantity, just like the first method. You also place the cans under your chest and between your shoulder blades. It is not a bad idea to insert something cleansing into the throat, for example, a reed or the like, on which a piece of cotton wool is wound, because the cleansing expands. Often a tube made of gold, silver or something similar is inserted into the throat to help with breathing. If the tightness intensifies, you inevitably also have to put cups on your neck. Sometimes, to widen the throat for swallowing and breathing, it is useful to press firmly on the shoulder blades.

As for medications at the beginning of the disease, these are astringents, especially for blood tumors; The best of astringents is one in which, along with the astringent, there is some rarefied substance that helps the medicine penetrate deeper. One of the things that has been learned from experience is that mixed, compound astringents are healthier than single, simple ones. Sometimes at the beginning the pain intensifies and it is necessary to add something soothing and emollient to the astringents, for example, violet drink, faniz, hot milk, flaxseed mucilage or maybukhtaj. Often the outpouring of matter towards the tumor becomes abundant, and inevitably it is necessary to mix dissolving agents with the astringents, and sometimes the outpouring of matter is not abundant and the tumor is not strong. Then they begin with the use of galls and ammonia: this delays and greatly dissolves the tumor.

For gall tumors, most of the effort should be spent on cooling and binding. Sometimes thick ointments are used, and sometimes with such tumors, as with all hot tumors, rinses are used. They also use bellows injection and sprayed medications. This also includes rinsing with sikanjubin and water with vinegar; they are very useful for the onset of hot and cold tumors and thickly brewed mulberry juice, especially wild ones. No sugar or honey is added to this juice; They are used at the beginning and in pure form, or these medicines are strengthened with astringents, such as squeezed sumac juice or squeezed juice of unripe grapes, condensed or as they are. Pomegranate flowers are also used, but honey is added to this medicine for cleansing, but not for strengthening, as well as a decoction of unripe dried dates with honey or a decoction of sumac with condensed grape juice. The squeezed juice of fresh nuts has a more powerful effect; this is one of the best medicines for such tumors, as well as the squeezed juice of fresh roses. Thickly brewed juice of the sleeping pill, if mixed with astringents, is very useful at the beginning of the disease. Even stronger is a decoction of myrtle, acorns and sumac, an infusion of nut shells, myrtle juice and water in which lentils or highly astringent quince have been boiled for a long time. Hawthorn has particularly beneficial properties; Yemeni alum also has special properties against this disease. A medicine is also blown into the throat from the seeds of rose, sumac and pomegranate flowers, taken in equal parts, with a small amount of camphor.

Against yellow gall tumors, use the squeezed juice of cold vegetables mixed with something astringent, as well as the squeezed juice of the “shepherd’s staff”, the squeezed juice of nightshade, the squeezed juice of the stems of grape shoots. Common remedies for both types of tumor at the onset of the disease include rose seeds, purslane seeds, plantain mucus, starch, bamboo nodules, sumac, tragacanth and camphor; Flat pills are prepared from this and placed under the tongue. When the seepage of matter stops, then thickly brewed mulberry juice, myrrh and saffron should be mixed in: myrrh, binding and dissolving, sinks deep and makes the saffron sink; both of these drugs combine and help open the tumor. When they see that the tumor is inclined to harden, then they use mulberries, adding a certain amount of bavrac, and if the end of the disease is approaching or has come, then they should use substances that are inherent in relieving pain and softening, such as fresh milk, in which Cassia laxative scales have been dissolved, resin in thickly boiled mulberry juice, a decoction of figs and fenugreek, or thickly boiled myrtle juice with maybukhtaj, or cabbage juice with honey or maybukhtaj, or Arabian bdelium diluted with thickly boiled grape juice, it helps a lot, or an infusion of various roots in which raisins were boiled, fenugreek, dates, figs, myrrh, saffron, Chinese cinnamon, or gargling with sikanjubin or honey-sweetened water.

Medicinal dressings are also used to induce ripening, such as Sakhir's dressings. At such times, it is useful to drip almond oil into the ear. If you see that the tumor does not mature and you find hardening, then you should use cabbage in the medicines you use, and if the tumor is mature, then try to open it with the help of rinses, which, along with softening, promote opening; These are some pungent medicines in milk that are used to gargle. When the tumor does not open for a long time and is visible, then it is not bad to resort to iron.

Among the moderate medicines, which at the same time are quickly discovered, are a decoction of figs, fenugreek and dates, as well as a decoction of lentils with roses, thickly brewed licorice juice and horehound seeds. Then they gradually move on to stronger medicines and mix a lot of bavrac and myrrh into the thickly brewed mulberry juice, and also use horehound seeds soaked in goat’s milk and warming oils, especially with honey and sugar, and gargle with honey-sweetened water in which the figs were boiled , pulegium mint and marjoram or dill, mint, smooth thyme and licorice root, together or separately. A bush, especially a sea bush, is of great benefit at such times.

When the development of the tumor is truly complete, you should strive to completely cleanse and open it with the help of, for example, soda, bavrac, asafoetida, myrrh, pepper, beaver stream, swallow feces, rooster feces. This is used to rinse the mouth with thickly brewed mulberry juice and even with ammonia, saliva, harmala seeds and mustard, or rinse with radish seeds with water and sikanjubin. These medications are also used in the form of infusions; injecting ammonia soothes. When the disease subsides, they use wine, bath and watering -

Pills useful at the end of the disease. Take four parts of licorice root, half part of asafoetida and add squeezed cabbage juice or condensed grape juice.

As for the method of treating mucous tumors, one of them is as follows: a flattened, curved reed wrapped in a rag is inserted into the throat, lubricated with it on the tumor and cleared of liquids from the throat. For old tumors, they use asafoetida with Chinese cinnamon or induce relaxation with kukiya pills, iyaraj and similar means, and also give sharp, very strong enemas.

In the treatment of black gall tumors, the most useful medicine is harmala in the form of a gargle or a thick ointment applied internally and externally. Medicines that have special properties and are suitable for any period of illness include white dog feces and white wolf feces; The dog is kept hungry and fed only bones until its feces become white and have little odor. Human feces, especially children's feces, have the same effect. We must try to ensure that a person takes food in quantities that he can digest; The best food for him is bread and lupine in small quantities, after which he is given old wine to drink. Then its eruptions are collected and dried, then they are less offensive. If a person wants something else with bread, then he is given food that is easily digested, forms good chyme and is moderately hot in nature, for example, chicken and partridge meat, goat legs. These foods, being easily digestible, at the same time remove slightly foul-smelling feces.

One of the medicines that is effective for this disease due to its special property is burnt swallows. First, their throat is cut, and the blood flows onto the wings, after which the wings are sprinkled with salt and placed in a jug coated with clay; The neck of the jug is plugged and placed in the baking oven. However, in my opinion, it is better to place the wings in a glass vessel coated with “clay of wisdom.” Heavily burnt swallow feces are also beneficial.

Sometimes the palate of a person suffering from a sore throat is smeared with salt, honey, vinegar and olive oil. The same is done for tumors of the uvula, and they also apply garlic with honey, turtle bile, copper color and the heads of salted fish to the palate, especially for tumors of the uvula. Rinsing with sikanjubin, in which radish seeds were boiled, is also used; Kalkatar and Kalkadis are good for tumors of the muscles of the pharynx.

Among the complex medicines used are medicine from mulberry with myrrh and saffron, medicine from swallows, medicine from harmala, medicine from fresh nut shells, Andron's cakes, as well as medicine of this kind: take white dog feces, burnt in a clay pot or not burnt, one Ukiyu, pepper, two dirhams, burnt galls, pomegranate peel, pork bristles, monkey or hyena hair, half a kiya each, myrrh and a bush, half a kiya each. This is blown or applied with honey in the form of a cake. At the end of the illness and during severe suffering, they use child feces from bread and lupine, dog feces, burnt swallows and ammonia, repeating this several times a day.

Sometimes a person suffering from a sore throat also has a swollen tongue, and it is often necessary to treat it. We have already talked about tumors of the tongue, which tend to be in this place, but it is necessary to return to what was said earlier and point out that after bloodletting one should somehow manage to divert the matter down. Sometimes this is done in such a place by iyaraja fikra: it has the inherent property of drawing juices to the upper part of the mouth of the stomach, esophagus and throat. After this, cooling and distilling agents such as squeezed lettuce juice are used; it has a beneficial property, which is obvious. Then, if there is a need for easy dissolution, dissolution is caused.

As for vertebral tonsillitis, one of the useful means in treating it is to somehow manage to gently press on the site of the displaced vertebra, pulling it back. Sometimes this causes the vertebra to return to its place. This pressing is done either with a tool or with a finger; The patient often experiences relief from this. And this instrument is often like a bridle; it is inserted into the throat and then the inserted part is pulled out. Pressing is very harmful for tumors in the throat.

When a sore throat intensifies, so that the medicines do not work, and the patient is convinced of his death, then an incision of the breathing tube offers hope for salvation. In this case, the ligament between the two rings of the tube is cut, without affecting the cartilage, so that the patient can breathe through it. Having finished using the tumor, the incision is sutured and treatment is applied, after which the patient recovers. The cutting method is as follows: the head is tilted back and held, the skin is grabbed, cut, it is best to grab the skin with a hook, and pulled back. Then the tube is exposed and an incision is made between the two rings, in the middle, against the skin incision. After this, the skin is sutured and the incision site is sprinkled with yellow powder. Only the edges of the skin incision should be folded and stitched so that nothing happens to the cartilage and membranes; This is the rule for such cuts, even if they are made for a different purpose. And if it is assumed that the tumor or damage is located in the very ligaments of the respiratory tube, then there is no need to make cuts. If the patient has lost consciousness and you are afraid that complete suffocation will occur, then hasten to use strong enemas and bleed from the sublingual vessel, as well as bleed from the vessel on the forehead and place blood-sucking cups on the back of the head and under the chin, with or without an incision.

When the cause of suffocation and fainting is drowning, then the victim is held head down so that the water flows out, then he is fumigated with something that has strength and a pleasant smell until he wakes up. As for the person saved from strangulation, he should be bled, given enemas, and given several days to eat a soup of pea flour with milk or a meat broth with bread soaked in it and with egg yolk. Know also that it is better for someone who has a sore throat to avoid talking, no matter what causes the pain.