General discussion about breathing

Breathing is carried out through two movements and two stops between them, similar to how it works with bullets.Withoh, but only breathing movements can be changed by water, disrupting their natural course, and the pulse is something purely natural. The purpose of breathing is to fill the lungs with cool air to store it for the heart to beat. The heart continuously takes cold air from the lungs and returns smoky vapor there, so that two things happen to the inhaled air: firstly, it ceases to be cold, because it is heated by what is adjacent to it and mixed with it, and secondly, it changes transparency due to the admixture of smoky vapor. Then it loses the property that makes it suitable for maintaining a pulse, and it must be removed and replaced. Between both of these actions there are two stops. The introduction of air, that is, inhalation, occurs due to the expansion of the lungs, subject to the movement of the organs that surround them, and its removal occurs due to the compression of the lungs, subject to the movement of the organs that surround them. Breathing among ordinary people is called exhalation of air, and among doctors and in their special language, sometimes exhalation, like ordinary people, and sometimes the mentioned set of actions. The pulse is the same: among ordinary people, this is a movement that dilates the artery, but doctors have special terms for this according to a well-known pattern.

Movements during uniform, natural, damage-free breathing occur due to movements of the abdominal obstruction. When it is necessary to increase their strength in order to inhale what enters only with difficulty, or to intensify exhalation to remove air, then either all the muscles of the chest, up to the upper ones, or, necessarily, some of the lower ones, participate with the thoraco-abdominal barrier. If it is necessary for breathing to be accompanied by a voice, then it is necessary to force the muscles of the larynx to work, and if it is necessary to clearly pronounce individual syllables or compose words from them, then it is inevitably necessary to bring into action the muscles of the tongue; sometimes you need to use your lip muscles.

The pulse can be large and small, long and short, fast and slow, hot and cold, rare and frequent, strong and weak, intermittent and continuous, convulsive, trembling, filling the vessels little or much; its quality can be praiseworthy or bad. There are reasons for all this, and all this points to one circumstance or another, and these reasons differ depending on nature, age, gender, physical and mental phenomena. Also, breathing is characterized by the varieties listed above and similar to them; for each of them there is a reason and each is a sign. Breathing can be large, small, long, short, fast, slow, rare, frequent, narrow, wide, light, difficult, strong, weak, hot, cold, even and uneven. For some types of breathing there are special names, such as: intermittent breathing, double breathing, standing breathing, suffocated breathing, forced breathing, at intervals, as happens with sakta and similar diseases.

As for the damage to the respiratory organs, due to which respiratory damage occurs, they occur either in the respiratory organs themselves, or in the places where they begin, or in organs associated with them due to their proximity. The respiratory organs are the larynx, lungs, pulmonary tube, hard vessels, arteries, pectoral obstruction, chest muscles, as well as the chest itself. After all, the flaw sometimes turns out to be in the chest itself, if it is narrow and small; this causes respiratory distress. As for the places where the respiratory organs begin, this is the brain, as well as the spinal cord, for the thoraco-abdominal barrier originates from it; most of it grows from the fourth pair of nerves of the spinal cord, to which is adjacent the branch of the fifth and sixth pair and the nerves going to this branch. The organs involved due to their proximity to the breast organs are the stomach, liver, uterus, intestines and other viscera.

Such injuries arise from a weakening disorder of the nature, hot, cold, wet or dry, whatever it may be simple or with matter. It arises either from juice locked up or flowing into the organ in abundance, viscous or thick, ichor and pus are among such juices, or from winds or steam. The cause of damage can also be a disease of the instrument: paralysis, spasms, disintegration of a single vessel due to rupture of a vessel, rotting, ulceration or corrosion, a tumor that is cold, hot or hard, or pain.

You will learn from what we tell you that breathing is a very clear sign, and in this respect it is like the pulse. First, you should take into account what the patient’s normal breathing is like, just as it is appropriate to take into account the natural, normal nature of the pulse.