General measures for the treatment of tumors in the chest and lungs

Common activities include bloodletting; at the beginning of the disease, blood is opened on the side opposite to the tumor. Bloodletting works most quickly from the side opposite the tumor. The quickest effect is bloodletting from the opposite jugular vein, with an incision along it, followed by bloodletting from the opposite basil vein, with an incision across it, and then bloodletting from the opposite “black” vein, with an incision across it. If the jugular vein is not visible, then bloodletting from mullet should not be neglected, although its beneficial effect is less and it occurs more slowly. Then, after a few days, bloodletting is done transversely on the corresponding side.

Sometimes cups are placed on the chest with an incision in order to divert the matter outward and reduce its amount, especially if this was preceded by bloodletting. Galen says: “If the fever is strong, then beware of the laxative and limit yourself to bloodletting.” There is no danger in it or the danger from it is less, but in the laxative the danger is great: it sometimes sets matter in motion, sometimes it does not relax, and sometimes it relaxes excessively.” The doctor should, if possible, not give such patients drugs that cause numbness: they prevent the maturation of matter and expectoration.

As for suitable nutrients, these are barley water, wheat water, a decoction of wild mallow, goosefoot and garden mallow, bean juice and sultanas, if there is no excessive heat, as well as raisins, especially at the end of the disease. All substances that cleanse, remove hardness and soften to the first degree act similarly to medicines, for example, infusion of jujube, violet, soporific poppy, licorice root, as well as the core of cucumber, kissa and other vegetables, chicory and cordia seeds; sometimes the mucilage of quince seeds is added to them, as well as gum, tragacanth and soporific poppy seeds; All this is given before opening the tumor. The best cleaning and cleansing agent is water sweetened with honey, unless there are tumors in other internal organs. If there is a tumor and they drink water sweetened with honey, then it should be prepared as liquid as pure water, generously diluting the honey. Julab and sugar water are more suitable than honey water; then comes barley water, and then sweet wine. This is the best drink for those suffering from this disease, especially white wine. It most of all promotes expectoration of sputum, but in case of pleurisy and pneumonia, it should be drunk only after the tumor has matured. However, the said wine causes thirst and warming, against which measures must be taken. You should not give it to someone who has a diseased liver and spleen. Sweet wine is followed by diluted wine; it strengthens forces more than pure water, and has tearing and thinning properties. As for shikanjubin, prepared from honey or sugar with a small amount of vinegar diluted with water, it combines the properties of extinguishing heat and purifying. If sikanjubin is very acidic, then it either causes severe expectoration or makes the sputum very cold and sticky. becomes harmful; in order to cough up the mucus that he tears off, sometimes even considerable force is required. And if it is necessary to give sour sikipjubin, then they should be given warm water or mixed with hot water, and little by little. And moderately acidic sikanjubin protects against such danger, prevents harm from weakness and the appearance of thirst, as well as the rise and generation of bile. Water sweetened with honey is more effective in terms of hydration, and barley water is more strengthening. Sometimes, to balance the nature, you have to give sorrel with almond oil. As for the water that such patients are given to drink, in winter they are given hot water, water with sugar and water sweetened with liquid honey, and in summer they are given moderately warm water. Cold water is forbidden to them, but if the thirst is very strong, they are given a little cold water to drink, or water with cooled julab or sikanjubin: sikanjubin quickly conducts cold water and eliminates it when the disease subsides, drink water from

As for what needs to be done during the accumulation of pus, maturation or opening of the tumor and after that, we devote a special paragraph to this.