Obstetric Research Internal

An internal obstetric examination (e. Obstetrica interna) is a type of obstetric examination that is carried out to assess the condition of the fetus and mother during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. This is an important stage in the medical care of mother and child, which allows you to identify possible problems and take measures to solve them.

An internal obstetric examination includes an examination of a pregnant woman by an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as various studies such as ultrasound, CTG, Doppler sonography and others. These methods allow you to assess the condition of the fetus, its position, heartbeat, amount of amniotic fluid, presence of the placenta, etc. The doctor may also auscultate the fetal heart and palpate the uterus.

The purpose of an internal obstetric examination is to identify possible risks for the mother and fetus, as well as determine treatment tactics. If your doctor finds any abnormalities, he may prescribe additional tests or treatment to prevent possible complications.

It is important to note that internal obstetric examination is carried out regularly throughout pregnancy, starting from the first trimester. This helps monitor the condition of the fetus and identify possible problems in the early stages, which increases the chances of a successful birth of a healthy baby.

In general, an internal obstetric examination is an important step in medical care during pregnancy and childbirth, which helps to identify possible problems and prevent possible complications for the mother and child.

The Obstetric Internal Study is one of the key studies in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. It is intended to determine the condition of a woman’s internal organs during pregnancy and childbirth. Currently, obstetricians and gynecologists actively use this study to diagnose various

Obstetric study internal study

Obstetric internal examination - Obstetric internal examination is the most important examination method. This method is used during pregnancy to determine the condition of a pregnant woman and her child. This method involves using various technical devices to examine the internal organs of a pregnant woman, including the uterus and ovaries. Thus, research methods may include: - Genito-vaginal examination - an obstetrician performs a manual examination of the woman. The uterus is checked for size, consistency, tone, and suspicious areas are identified. If necessary, the doctor may examine the cervix for abnormal changes. The doctor may use speculums, fingers, or special equipment to penetrate intimate areas. As a result