Cleansing the Body of Toxins and Parasites

People who are well acquainted with the problem of cancer claim that first the body becomes polluted. Contaminated places appear in the body in which various parasites settle. A person begins to get sick due to “little things”, he is treated. In response to treatment, the parasites first hide, and after the end of treatment they multiply intensively. But now they are becoming more dangerous because they respond to treatment with adaptations. They invade tissues that are least accessible to drugs and multiply there intensively. As a result of this process, a tumor is formed.

Chemotherapy undermines the body's immunity and leaves it defenseless. Surgery cannot cut everything out, but only provokes the tumor to further rapidly divide. Radiation, by weakening the body, can stimulate the growth of cancer cells. So, if a person has cancer, this means that his body is already quite weakened, polluted and affected by parasites. Therefore, the first step is to carry out cleansing and antiparasitic treatment.

Cleansing at the cellular level

For cleansing at the cellular level, I recommend drinking a decoction of pine needles. Take 5 tbsp. spoons of young pine needles, pour 0.5 liters of activated water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of dry rose hips and 2 tbsp. spoons - onion peels. Boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse overnight in a warm place.

Although this drink is harmless, it is not recommended to drink it for more than 4 months so that the body does not get used to it. You can also use the following recipe: peel 1/2 lemon, chop, pour in a decoction of pine needles and take an hour before or an hour after meals. You should consume up to 2 lemons per day. Lemon increases the supply of oxygen to cells, saturates them with oxidative enzymes and stops their death.