
Copyright by Oculist is held by Diode of the Moscow Ecofood Plant. The Oculist dietary supplement is a dietary supplement with a general strengthening effect, which was developed by Russian scientists. It helps strengthen the immune system, improve vision, and can also be used as a preventive measure for eye diseases. The drug is produced in Russia and has the international name Oculist.

An ophthalmologist is not a medicine, but is used to prevent and treat various eye diseases. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies conducted in medical institutions, and is characterized as a result of improving the general condition of the human body. It can be used at any age. This drug is also available in different forms: oral solution, eye drops, ointments. Oculist contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, such as ascorbic acid, zinc, copper, magnesium and others, which help strengthen the body's immunity and protect it from various infections. The drug also contains plant extracts, such as aloe vera and calendula, which help restore tissue and protect the mucous membrane of the eyes. Overall, Oculist is a safe and effective means of preventing and restoring eye health.