One-day fever from intoxication and food

Sometimes intoxication causes a one-day fever. It should be treated in the same way as a hangover is treated, and often requires relief with fruit juice and similar means and bloodletting, especially if they continue to have a headache, and they should go to the bathhouse after the fever has subsided.

Hot foods sometimes produce a one-day fever. Just as sun fever is most often cerebral and occurs in the mental pneuma, and bath fever is cardiac - in the animal pneuma, so food fever is hepatic and occurs | in natural air. Its treatment consists of removing urine with cooling agents and releasing the natural state with the help of, for example, manna and tamarind. Correcting the condition of the liver is the first priority here; it is corrected with the help of, for example, chicory juice, vegetables, shikanjubin and cooling medicinal dressings with sandalwood, camphor, rose water, squeezed rose juice and squeezed juices of cold vegetables, which are actually cooling, and also by extinguishing the heat with cold, damp foods.