One-day fever with pain and fainting

The pain sometimes heats up the pneuma so much that a fever breaks out.

Signs of this: pain in the head, in the eyes, in the ear, toothache, pain in the joints, in the limbs, pain, pain from kidneys, or other pains occurring, for example, from boils.

Treatment. Pain is treated in proper ways and then treated in the same way as fever from fatigue is treated. If they are afraid that drinking wine will cause pain, then they do not drink wine.

A person who has lost consciousness due to the agitated movement of the pneuma sometimes develops heat in the body, turning into fever; Often a residue remains from it even after the danger of fainting has been eliminated.

Signs of this are recent fainting and loss of strength without signs of other fevers that do not belong to one-day fevers. The quality of the pulse is not the same: sometimes it falls and disappears if the cold prevails, and sometimes it accelerates and reappears if the heat takes over. With its hardness and worm-like appearance, it resembles the pulse of people suffering from withering stunting.

Treatment. The treatment for such a fever is the same as the treatment for fainting, as well as eating foods known to you that are digestible and provide good chyme. If you need to give wine to a sick person, do it without paying attention to the fever. If the patient has gotten rid of fainting, but a fever remains, similar to fever from wasting, then he is treated with the appropriate cooling and hydration as a general rule.