
Odontology is a science that deals with the study of teeth and their diseases. It is part of dentistry and includes many different disciplines, such as orthodontics (bite correction), prosthetics, periodontics and others.

Odontology has a long history. Already in ancient times, people paid attention to teeth and tried to treat them. In the Middle Ages, the first dentists appeared who treated teeth. In the 18th century, the first dental offices appeared, where doctors were engaged not only in dental treatment, but also in their prevention.

Today odontology is one of the most important sciences in dentistry. Teeth are not only an organ of chewing, but also an indicator of the health of the entire body. Therefore, odontology pays great attention not only to dental treatment, but also to disease prevention.

In odontology, various methods of diagnosis and treatment of teeth are used. For example, X-rays are used to diagnose dental caries, and dental fillings are used to treat caries. Dentures are also widely used in odontology to restore lost teeth.

However, despite all the advances in odontology, many people are still afraid to go to the dentist. This is because many people consider dentists to be cruel and incompetent. However, it is not. Dentists are professionals who care about the health of their patients and strive to help them solve any dental problems.

Thus, odontology is an important science that helps people maintain healthy teeth and the entire body as a whole. If you care about your health, be sure to contact a dentist to diagnose and treat your teeth.

Odontology is a dental science that studies the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of periodontal tissue, teeth and jaws. Specialists in this field are involved in the prevention, treatment and restoration of dental tissue. Odontologists can perform dental surgeries and treat diseases of the gums, teeth, bones and other tissues associated with teeth.