
Ophthalmodynamometry is also called tonoscopy. This is a test method that is used to measure intraocular pressure. It is based on measuring the force that must be applied to the cornea of ​​the eye to close the pupil.

An ophthalmodynamometer is a device that is used to perform ophthalmodynamometry. It consists of two parts: a light source and a photosensor. Light falling on the cornea of ​​the eye is reflected from its surface and hits the photosensor. A photo sensor measures the intensity of light reflected from the cornea and transmits the data to a computer.

As a result of ophthalmodynamometry, it is possible to obtain data on intraocular pressure, which can be used to diagnose various eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts and others. In addition, the ophthalmodynamometric method can be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment for these diseases.

Ophthalmodynammetry is a test that measures intraocular pressure in patients with vision problems. This equipment is used to measure intraocular pressure (IOP), which is an important indicator of eye health and can indicate the presence of various eye diseases. Thus, ophthalmodynammetry is used in the following cases:

1. At the initial stage of glaucoma, diagnose the development of the disease. View the parameters after one minute from the moment of measurement. During the exam, it is also important to evaluate the symmetry of the data display. If the indicators diverge, it is most likely that the disease is progressing.

2. An increase in IOP numbers with minor changes in vision and ocular discomfort occurs with already diagnosed glaucoma and requires additional diagnostics. During the examination, the patient must lie down to measure the eye's response to elevation and the change in level and accuracy of vision when looking at the light bulb. IOP is measured in millimeters of mercury, except on the day when the readings are elevated to 65 mmHg. Art. or at least 40 mm Hg without night rest, etc. 3. Measurement of ophthalmodynamics is carried out when deciding on the treatment of the acute period of unilateral, inflammatory glaucoma and choosing tactics for an acute attack, including the effect of the injection. In this case, the patient is positioned on a chair in a sitting position, with the head straight and eyes looking forward. Ophthalmodynamics are measured in turn and with different amplitudes of eye movement. Additionally, the patient must close his eyes and rest for several minutes with his eyelids closed. It is also necessary to check the reaction of the pupil to diopters. The patient lies on his back, the eyelids do not close. The duration of the examination of each eye is about twenty minutes. As part of the test, IOP measurements are taken and the sensitivity of the eye is checked. Half an hour before visiting a doctor, the patient should not take alcohol in any quantity or form.