Brain Fence

The cerebral enclosure is a small area of ​​gray matter that is located in the very center of the brain, in the brain stem. The venuum is one of the most mysterious structures in the brain, and to this day scientists cannot precisely determine its function.

The first mention of the brain fence appeared in the writings of the Spanish scientist Rene Descartes, who described this structure in 1637. In his works, the fence was called cornu of fibulae (literally “support for pine cones”). By "bumps" he meant the many connections between the fence and the cerebral cortex (the top layer of gray mass).

However, over the course of several centuries, the fence received various names and classifications. In 1958, British neuroanatomist Harold Goodredd Harlow, using

The cerebral enclosure is the most important part of the brain, located in the front part of the brain, namely in the following areas: the anterior edge of the temporal lobe, the frontal and parietal lobes, and the hippocampus. This structure forms a network of connections that are in opposition to the spatial-cognitive systems of the cerebral cortex, such as the visual or auditory cortex. The fence can be defined more simply as a layer of cells that separates the brain from the brain. In other terminologies, it is an intermediate layer between the outer covering layers of the brain and the inner basal layers. But few people think about how complex our brain is? After all, our brain is a unique object. It consists of more than one hundred billion cells, each of which is specialized and performs different functions. The neurons of this cell have only one task - to transmit information from one cell to another. The method of transmitting information is called synaptic communication. It has been noted that this small brain tissue is composed of approximately five different types of cells. The neurons that make up these five types do different jobs: some connect sensory information to neurons, others write to each other, and others look for the necessary data when we lose interest in something. The fence also plays an important role in the functioning of the brain. It is this environment that receives all the information coming from the outside world, and it also contributes to the preservation of memory and the development of the psyche, therefore the topic of my research work is “The role of fencing thoughts in the functioning of the brain.”

These structures are still poorly understood. Existing neuroanatomical studies indicate that the fence

Brain fence or claustrum: medical myth or promising technology?

The claustrum is a small area in the midbrain that is responsible for integrating and synchronizing signals between different parts of the brain. In ancient times it was considered a myth, but now questions arise about its possible use in medicine and science.

Anatomy and function of the brainstem The claustrum is part of the so-called brainstem circuit, which includes the hypothalamus, thalamus opticum and midbrain. She