Syndrome Catatonic Oneiric

One of the most complex and mysterious syndromes of mental illness is catatonic (from the ancient Greek κᾰτω - “down” and τόνος - “tension”) oneiroid (from the Greek ὄνυξ - onyx, Greek “one” and οἱδήρεια “presumably”). That is, this is a disorder in which problems arise in the head, a person loses control over his actions, his mind becomes as if in a fog: facial expressions distort, the body moves uncontrollably chaotically, speech is impaired.

Catatonic symptoms are nothing more than a severe neurological condition. Externally, the pathology is a combination of various movement disorders. Symptoms of catatonia appear suddenly and remain for a long time, so untimely treatment leads to irreversible consequences. Catatonic oneiric syndrome is an intermediate syndrome between catatonia and schizophrenia

Catatonic-oneiric state syndrome is a complex of disorders that is characterized by the presence of severe mental disorders in the patient associated with changes in perception and thinking. This syndrome combines manifestations of catatonic disorder and oneiroid disorder. Catatonic disorder is a behavioral disorder in which a sharp change in the patient’s mental state occurs, strong aggressiveness or, conversely, apathy towards the outside world is manifested. Oneiroid is a condition where a person