
Tone is a state of the body that is characterized by muscle tension and readiness for action. It is an important factor in maintaining health and physical activity. Tone can be high or low, depending on the level of activity and condition of the body.

High tone means that the muscles are in a state of readiness for action and are able to quickly respond to changes in the environment. This may be useful for athletes and people involved in physical activity. High tone also helps maintain correct posture and improves coordination.

Low tone, on the contrary, means that the muscles are not ready for action and may be weak. This can lead to problems with coordination of movements and decreased physical activity. Low tone can also be associated with fatigue and stress.

To maintain tone, you need to monitor your health and engage in physical activity. Regular exercise, proper nutrition and adequate rest will help maintain high tone and improve the overall condition of the body.

TONE is a state of the body that depends on muscle tension or relaxation. Physiologically, tone is an unconscious active tension or muscle contraction in response to stimuli. Supports the natural musculoskeletal tone of the muscular-articular system, which determines the position and activity of various muscle groups, as well as some properties of the main locomotor organs: the spine, skull, chest, pelvis and lower extremities.

With impaired tone, pathological types of skeletal muscle tension appear: * excessive, excessive - hypertonicity; * insufficient, reduced - hypotonicity.

Hypertonicity leads to limitation of movement, prolonged pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Hypotonia causes slowness of movement, muscle dystrophy, flat feet and a number of other health problems. The causes of muscle hypertonicity and hypotonicity are varied: these include diseases in children, damage to the central nervous system, injuries, poisoning, local pain, hereditary problems associated with motor skills and/or motor activity. Thus, tone ensures stability in the work of the body, its readiness for action, the optimal ratio for each individual between contraction (compression) into work and relaxation, the necessary mood for the activity of all muscles and forms of muscle tissue to perform all functions of the body and interact normally with the outside world.