Phylloid fibroadenoma

Phylloid fibroadenoma Phylloid fibroadenomas are quite common tumors in women. Phylloid fibroadenomas can occur in various human tissues and organs, but they are most often found in the breast. It is believed that this formation is benign, but with improper treatment or lack of attention to the problem, it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.


According to medical statistics, most cases of phyllodes fibroadenomas are observed in women aged 20 to 40 years. Meanwhile, there is evidence of the existence of the same pathology among elderly women. Women with a genetic predisposition are at increased risk. Many of them have close relatives who had a similar disease in the past, or the disease was diagnosed in their closest peers.

According to research, most often phylloid fibroadenoma occurs as an independent pathology, without the influence of other diseases, but there are cases and combinations with mastopathy. Accordingly, its treatment requires an individual approach. There is also a risk group due to the nature of the work. In addition, it is worth noting bad habits (for example, smoking). These factors increase the likelihood of developing a tumor. In most cases, the pathology develops without