
Okovit is a dietary supplement that can help improve vision, prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma, and reduce the risk of developing other eye diseases.

The production of the drug is carried out in Russia, by the company Fitora / Int-Pharma (now does not exist, its successor is MAKSvit Pharma LLC).

Ingredients of the drug: plant components (St. John's wort, thyme, motherwort herb, wild strawberry), blueberries; ascorbic acid, glucosamine sulfate, rutin stearate, calcium gluconate. E330 citric acid is used as an additive.

How does Okovit work? It contains components that help improve blood circulation and nutrition of the eyes, and also support retinal health. In addition, Okovit helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes.