
Oxytensiometric method (oxytensimetry) is a research method that is used to measure oxygen tension in body tissues. It is based on measuring the concentration of oxygen in the blood and other tissues using special devices - oxytensometers.

Oxytensometers can be of various types, including electronic and optical. They can be used to measure oxygen in arterial or venous blood, as well as in other body tissues such as the brain, lungs, liver and muscles.

The main purpose of oxytensimetry is to study the exchange of oxygen between tissues and blood, as well as its distribution in the body. This allows you to evaluate the function of organs and tissues, as well as identify possible disturbances in their work.

The results of oxitensimetric studies can be used to diagnose various diseases, such as heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, diabetes and others. In addition, oxytensimetry can be used to assess the effectiveness of treatment and monitor the condition of patients during therapy.

Thus, the oxitensimetric method is an important tool in medical practice and allows one to obtain valuable information about the patient’s health status.

Oxytensiometry (OxyTensor) is a technique for studying the systemic regulatory properties of the human body in conditions of changes in the functional state and adaptation by measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide formation to determine changes in the levels of ventilation of the respiratory system during targeted breathing under the control of a special computer system.

The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that it is carried out at two levels of research: at the level of structures and tissues through oxidation - a quantitative measure of the concentration and balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules in the system: blood - respiratory system - partial pressure of O2 (resorption), partial content of CO2 and non-partial pressure of CO2 at the exit from the lungs both in the arterial and during inhalation and exhalation, and ventilation of the lungs.

Oxytensiometry is considered as a set of methods that make it possible to study breathing variability in “real time” from the point of view of autonomic mechanisms and systemic regulation of the body as a whole, including conditions whose symptoms are identified in a doctor’s practice.

Research on Oxytension. the results of which are published in the public domain on the PubMed website and platform. In the course of the work, the idea of ​​the method was confirmed; the effects of various factors were studied, such as: stress, difficult life events, psychophysical overload. Indicators have been identified as key markers of stress response monitored in everyday life. Attention is paid to dependencies on living conditions, the context of interaction with the city, family relationships and the social environment as a whole. Changes in the activity of the respiratory system and the content of respiratory gases in it are determined in the context of a person’s life experience.