Okuflur Liquifilm

Ocuflur is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs, which is intended for use by patients with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory, bone, connective and muscle tissues. Ocuflur has several forms of release, including eye drops, but it is important to note that the manufacturer of the drug recommends using the drug only under the supervision of a doctor and strictly as directed.

The manufacturer of the drug, Krka Slovenia, explains that Okufluru Liquifil is intended against various types of discomfort, redness and other symptoms of infection or inflammation of the eyes. Okuflurf Liquifil is an anti-inflammatory ophthalmic drug whose active ingredient is tiaprofen. If you have pain in the eyes, especially associated with a cold or allergic reactions, you can use Ocuflur. The drug is available in the form of eye drops containing the active substance tiaprofen 0.03%. Ocuflur can be used as a remedy to relieve inflammation that occurs