
Omentoorganoanastomosis is a surgical operation to connect the greater omentum to any organ in order to restore blood supply or prevent the development of adhesions.

This type of anastomosis is used for diseases of the abdominal organs accompanied by circulatory disorders. The omentum has a good blood supply, so its connection with the affected organ improves tissue trophism and prevents necrosis.

In addition, the greater omentum secretes biologically active substances that stimulate regeneration. It is also a barrier to the development of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Indications for omentoorganostomy are ischemia of the intestines, stomach, pancreas, spleen and other abdominal organs. This operation allows you to preserve the viability of the affected tissues and prevent the development of strictures and adhesions.

Omentoorganoanastamosis is a method of surgical reconstruction of the intestine, which uses a combination of omentogenic and organ-preserving technologies to restore intestinal patency or improve its function. Omentoplasty is a surgical technique that uses components from the peritoneum to provide additional strength and prevent intestinal sutures. Most often, anastomoses are performed for rectal cancer.

Omentoplasty can be used to restore intestinal function after reconstructive surgery after removal of a colorectal tumor. Omentoorgan anastomy is also used for disturbances in the passage of food through the intestines. Omento-organo-anastomosis depends on the method of colopexy with which reconstructive operations were performed on the patient. This can be either laparoscopic or laparotomic access.

How is omsothoorganoplasty done? Preparation for surgery includes a thorough collection of medical history and examination data of the patient, the purpose of which is to identify potential risks and contraindications to anesthesia and surgery. For several days before the proposed surgical intervention, the patient should take medications aimed at reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract, reducing bleeding and exacerbating pancreatitis. Medicines can be prescribed by doctors