Oncosphere (Oncosphere, Hexacanth)

Oncosphere is a tapeworm larva that has six suckers and can be a carrier of various diseases. Oncospheres typically live in the intestines of intermediate hosts such as pigs and oxen, but can also infect humans.

When the oncosphere enters the intestine of its intermediate host, it attaches to the intestinal wall using its suckers. After this, it begins to migrate into the host’s muscle tissue. There it develops into cysticercus, another tapeworm larva that can cause various diseases such as cysticercosis.

Cysticerci can cause various diseases in humans, including cysticercosis of the eyes, brain, lungs and other organs. They can also cause allergic reactions in humans and animals.

To prevent infection with oncospheres and cysticerci, it is necessary to observe good hygiene and avoid contact with animals that may be infected with these parasites. It is also important to monitor the quality of food to avoid contamination through food.

Oncosphere - what is it? Oncosphere is a medical concept denoting a disease of a parasitic nature. It is a sexually mature tapeworm larva (introduced into the human body with products of animal origin). In some situations it is also called cysticercus. Inside the worm is covered with a capsule, inside which

The topic of medical parasitology has a notoriously grim reputation, and this is not surprising, since parasite medicine deals with at least the most disgusting human habitation - the body. Living organisms that inhabit us from the inside are not only small worms or bacteria, but also larger animal parasites represented by bacteria