Oneiric mania

Oneiric mania (mania oneiroidea; from the Greek oneiros - “dream” and eides - “similar”) is a mental disorder characterized by hallucinations and delusions in reality, reminiscent of dreams.

With oneiroid mania, patients experience sensations as if they are in a dream. They perceive the surrounding environment distorted, as in a dream - objects seem unreal, space is deformed. Patients may hallucinate, hear voices, and experience delusions of persecution or grandeur. Behavior becomes inadequate, inconsistent, as in a dream state.

Attacks of oneiric mania usually last from several hours to several days. The disease can be caused by mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy), intoxication, and feverish conditions. Treatment includes the use of antipsychotics and, if necessary, hospitalization. The prognosis depends on the underlying disease.

Oneiric mania is a mental illness that occurs as a result of disruption of normal brain function and can lead to serious consequences, including death. In this article we will look at the main symptoms and causes of Oneiroid mania, as well as its treatment and prevention.

Symptoms of oneiric mania

The mental symptom of oneiric disorder is manifested by three main signs. The most common manifestations of the phobic variant of the disorder are fear of loneliness (paradoxical), hiding fears, secrecy and deceit, talking to oneself out loud, they have thoughts of suicide, conditions called “