
Oncogenes are genes that contribute to the development of malignant tumors.

These genes can be activated as a result of mutations or chromosomal rearrangements. Many of the currently known oncogenes are associated with various types of cancer.

However, oncogenes should not be considered an exclusively negative factor. They are part of our genome, which plays an important role in the development of the body and our individuality.

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Despite the fact that various treatment methods are available, cancer continues to be one of the most difficult to treat diseases.

Oncogenes are involved in the development of tumors of various organs. Their functions can be both positive and negative. For example, oncogenes can promote the development of blood vessels and lead to increased cell division in some tumors. However, the same oncogenes in some cases cause mutations and the transformation of healthy cells into malignant ones.

Scientists around the world are actively working to find new methods of fighting cancer and finding points of application for anti-cancer drugs. However, it is obvious that it is impossible to give an accurate prediction for which type of oncogene a particular drug will be effective, what percentage of effectiveness will be achieved, and what side effects will have to be feared. It is likely that the number of known