Oophoritis, Ovaritis

Title: **Oophoritis and Ovaritis: symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian inflammation**

The oophor and ovary are the female genital organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of these organs is called oophoritis and obovariitis, respectively. These diseases can occur at any age, but most often they occur in women of reproductive age, which may be due to the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. In this article we will look at the symptoms and causes of oophoritis and obovoritis, as well as methods of treating these diseases.

Symptoms of **Inflammation of the Ovaries** In women of reproductive age, oophoritis manifests itself - Frequent urination Painful urination - Blood in the urine (hematuria)

In postmenopausal women, the clinic is usually limited to pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes uterine bleeding and discharge from the genital tract may also occur. Oophorus can also cause pain in the lower back and side, and discomfort in the rectal area. These symptoms may appear at the same time, or they may appear gradually. Often, at the initial stage of the disease, women do not notice symptoms, therefore, to identify inflammation of the ovaries, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist at the first signs of the disease. Typically symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, increased body temperature, weakness, nausea, and vomiting. Less common symptoms are diarrhea, constipation, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. **Causes of testicular inflammation**

1. Infectious diseases, such as STDs 2. Ectopic pregnancy 3. Adnexitis 4. Urethritis 5. Premature onset of sexual activity and change of partner, etc. 6. Self-medication and other inflammatory processes with the appendages Depending on the causes of the disease, it can develop according to -different. **Treatment**

Treatment of oophoritis and obovavaritis is carried out depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the nature of the pathological process. The choice of drugs depends on the type of pathogen; sometimes it is necessary to prescribe drugs from several groups. In case of chronic oophortitis in the postoperative period, anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated in order to maintain trophic balance in the tissues. With this type of disease, it is possible to carry out sanitation operations with plastic reconstructions of the external genitalia. After chronic oophoratitis, cosmetic defects may remain, so it is very important to contact an experienced specialist to prevent unwanted health consequences.

Inflammatory processes in the ovaries are a common gynecological disease. The ovary is a baby organ secreted by a woman’s gonads. Serves as a reserve location for eggs. The main manifestations of such diseases are sexual disorders of the menstrual cycle, some of which are often asymptomatic. According to statistics, inflammation of the pelvic organs is among the first reasons for visiting a gynecologist in women aged 30-45 years. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that inflammatory processes of the uterus and ovaries are often combined with an enlargement of some internal organs of the genitals.

If any deviations from the normal physiology of the female genital organs are detected, first of all, a visit to the gynecologist will not hurt. It is important not to delay until serious complications develop. It is recommended to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist annually. This way you can identify possible problems at an early stage, thereby taking timely measures.

Do not confuse inflammation of the ovaries with a tumor. Both of these conditions may externally look like pelvic tumors and are called parametrial fibromas or fibromas, but the cause of their occurrence is radically different. The tumor is usually large and clearly visible

Oophoritis and Obaritis are inflammations of the ovaries that can occur in women of any age. Penetration of infection into the ovary causes an inflammatory process. When one ovary is affected, the term “ovarium” is rarely used. The most commonly used concept is oophora.

Oophoritis is an inflammation of the ovarian membrane, and obaritis is a pathological process directly in the sac containing the follicle. These conditions can occur in a woman either singly or simultaneously. In their clinical manifestations and nature of the course, they are similar to each other. If both organs are inflamed, then the term combining these concepts is distinguished by the presence of a synonym that reflects a more accurate state of a particular ovary during a similar process. If the left side of a sexually mature woman of reproductive age is affected. Therefore, the main differential diagnostic sign for diagnosing obaritis in comparison with oophoritis is considered to be the exclusively competent use of the correct term. In the practice of gynecologists, the use of the terms oophoritis and obartitis in relation to single processes predominates. Both of these diseases can occur in acute and chronic forms:

in acute cases - the appearance of clear signs of the disease with a sharp increase in body temperature, disruption of the general condition, and the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen; chronic - gradual onset of symptoms, absence of low-grade (37-37.9 °C) temperature, pain of varying nature and intensity. As a rule, it is recurrent in nature. Treatment is complex and may include anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormones and other methods. It is important to carry out regular diagnostics to monitor the inflammation process and prevent possible complications.