Operation Heller (Heller S Operation)

Operation Geller is one of the most famous and successful hostage rescue operations carried out in history. It occurred in 1972 in Iran, when a group of American hostages were captured by Iranian revolutionaries led by Ayatollah Khomeini.

The operation was planned and carried out by American special forces under the leadership of James Geller, who was appointed head of the operation after the previous leadership was removed from the case. Geller received support from President Nixon and CIA Director William Colby.

Geller's operation used a variety of methods, including the use of helicopters, snipers and special agents, to free the hostages. The operation was carried out over several days and ended successfully.

The result of Geller's operation was the release of all hostages and the end of the conflict between the United States and Iran. The event became a symbol of American strength and effectiveness in the fight against terrorism.

Geller's operation is one of the most complex operations performed by neurosurgeons. This name means surgery on the larynx or tongue. During the operation, a special needle is inserted into the oral cavity through the palate, and then the tissue of the velum or the space between the uvula and the roof of the mouth is pierced. Some specialists, for the convenience of piercing tissue, use another name for this method - Geller's operation.