Features of performing training massage

Training massage is a type of sports massage. It is also necessary for every athlete as a regular workout. The main goal of a training massage is to relieve stress, relax muscles, relieve fatigue and overwork. The tasks are quite justified, since intense loads during the preparation of an athlete exhaust the body, which can lead to deterioration, poor results and a negative impact on health.

Before starting a massage procedure, the massage therapist needs to study both the physiological and psychological characteristics of the athlete. A thorough study will allow you to more correctly and effectively prepare the body for further training, increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, and also relax the necessary muscle group.

You need to understand that a training massage should never cause pain. This feature is most important during intense loads, during the period when the athlete was on a long break. All massage techniques must be performed with extreme caution.

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Training massage

A training massage is performed on the muscle group that will be most subject to stress.

Methods of performing training massage

The duration of one massage session should not exceed 60 minutes. Most often, the session takes 40 minutes. In one case, the procedure may take more than an hour if the athlete has large muscle mass. The main volume of massage falls on those muscle groups that were maximally involved during training.

Techniques are selected individually for each athlete, depending on the task set during the training session:

  1. If it is necessary to develop flexibility, joint mobility, stretching of ligaments, then the massage therapist performs passive massage techniques and rubbing.
  2. When working with weightlifters, the massage therapist develops a special massage technique, which, first of all, relieves muscle tension and relaxes the body.

Features of training massage

When performing a massage, a specialist must take into account not only the amount of load the athlete is exerting, but also the duration of the workout itself. Thus, the optimal time for a massage session is considered to be 1.5-4.5 hours after training. If a sufficient amount of time has passed after training (more than 8 hours), then it is not advisable to carry out a massage procedure.

Before the start of the competition itself, a sports massage is performed on the whole body, but still with a special focus on those muscle groups and ligaments that will be the main focus. If an athlete needs to stop training due to an injury, massage should not be stopped, since massage procedures will keep the body in excellent condition and contribute to a faster recovery. Sports massage is also effective during long journeys.