Operation Radical (Commando Operation)

Commando Operation is a complex surgical process that is used to remove malignant tumors of the head and neck. This surgery is the mainstay of treatment for many types of head and neck cancer, and it can save the lives of patients who have no other alternative treatments.

During radical surgery, the surgeon removes the tumor and surrounding tissue, including bone, muscle, nerves and blood vessels. This extensive excision may involve tissue in the face and neck, requiring further reconstruction to restore lost function as well as cosmetic treatment.

After removing the tumor, the surgeon must begin to reconstruct the area affected by the surgery. This may include bone, muscle and skin grafts, as well as the use of implants to restore the shape and function of the face and neck. Reconstruction can be very complex and requires an experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in recovery from such surgeries.

Radical surgery is a major procedure and may be associated with certain risks such as bleeding, infection and nerve damage. However, it may represent the only hope of survival for patients with head and neck malignancies.

Overall, radical surgery is an important treatment for head and neck cancer. It requires an experienced surgeon and a team of medical specialists to ensure the best results for the patient. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the head or neck, be sure to contact an experienced medical professional to discuss possible treatment options, including radical surgery.

Radical Operation (Commando Operation): Restoration of the Face and Neck after Removal of a Malignant Tumor

In the fight against malignant tumors of the head and neck, modern medicine offers various treatment methods. One of the key procedures used in such cases is radical surgery, which is carried out with the goal of completely removing the tumor. However, this method of extensive excision, often involving facial tissue, requires subsequent reconstruction to restore lost function and aesthetic appearance.

Radical surgery, also known as Commando Operation, is performed to remove a tumor that may be malignant and pose a threat to the patient's life. The surgical procedure involves removing the tumor as well as any associated lymph nodes that may be infected with cancer cells.

During the radical operation, the surgeon removes the tumor, penetrating into the deep layers of the tissues of the head and neck. This may involve removing parts of bone, muscle and other structures that have become infiltrated by the tumor. The goal of the surgery is to remove as much of the tumor as possible to prevent its spread and increase the patient's chances of a complete cure.

However, such a radical procedure can have significant consequences on the functionality and appearance of the face and neck. After radical surgery, the patient may require reconstructive surgery to restore lost structures and functions. Reconstruction may include tissue grafts, implants and prosthetics, and other surgical procedures to restore normal appearance and function of the face and neck.

Cosmetic treatment is also an important part of post-operative care. Patients may be offered a variety of methods, including makeup, prosthetics and facial reconstruction, to help them regain confidence in their appearance. Consultations with plastic surgeons, dermatologists and rehabilitation specialists will assist patients in the recovery process and adaptation to changes after surgery.

Operation Radical is a complex and multi-stage procedure that requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons. It allows you to effectively fight malignant tumors of the head and neck, while saving the patient’s life. However, it is important to remember that surgery has potential consequences that require subsequent reconstruction and support for the patient during the recovery process.

In conclusion, Commando Operation is the main procedure for removing a malignant tumor of the head and neck. During this operation, the surgeon makes an extensive excision affecting the facial tissue, which requires subsequent reconstruction to restore lost functions and cosmetic treatment. Although radical surgery is a complex surgical procedure, it plays an important role in the fight against malignant tumors and helps to increase the patient’s chances of a full recovery.

So, in this article we will look at radical surgery (commando operation) - the main operation to remove malignant tumors on the head and neck. **Radical surgery** is an extensive excision of tissue, which often affects the face, which subsequently requires reconstruction to restore lost functions and provide cosmetic treatment.

Malignant tumors of the head and neck mean formations that can move from the category of benign to oncological, for example, if not enough time has passed for manipulation. The operation is not necessary for people with benign formations - they are removed after a full examination. During surgery for radical resection of a malignant tumor, the main goal is the complete removal of the primary malignant tissue and nearby lymph nodes. This is achieved through laser irradiation, electrocoagulation or a scalpel. Often the operation is performed after a preliminary examination. If it is detected using an infrared device that the tumor has spread deep under the patient’s skin, a very thin needle (an injection tube used to inject injection solutions) is used, which allows the operation to be performed more accurately and safer for the patient. Such an operation can be performed with one patient or together. If there is a choice between this method and the surgical method, then preference is given to the second. It's safe and secure. In this case, an incision is made, removing nearby tissue, then a myacin-free solution penetrates into the body through the previously inserted needle (using a piston). Its purpose is to remove the mass of tumor contents located under the skin. Next ra

Operation "Radical" - what is this procedure?

Radical surgery is a term that describes an extensive surgical procedure performed for malignant tumors of the head and cervical region of the head. The purpose of the operation is to remove the tumor and any malignant tissue that may remain after the operation.

In our clinic, we perform “Radical” surgery on patients with various forms of oncology, such as head and neck cancer, cancer of the brain, breast and other body organs.

When performing a “Radical” operation, the surgeon removes not only malignant tissue, but also healthy tissue in order to avoid the development of tumor recurrence. The operation is usually carried out in several stages, each of which can take from several days to a week.

How does Operation Radical work?

The patient undergoes preparation for the operation, which includes examination, health monitoring and prescription of medication if necessary. The patient is then placed under anesthesia and during the procedure, the doctor makes a tissue incision in the specific area of ​​the head or neck that is affected by cancer.

The surgeon removes the tumor and any nearby cancerous tissue and then repairs the damaged area around it. At this stage, the tumor can be removed completely or partially (depending on the stage and size of the tumor). After tumor removal, cancer control is carried out, the presence of cancer cells in the removed tissue is analyzed, and readiness for a second operation is carried out.

During the operation, we can use different types of surgical instruments, such as scalpels, saws, scissors, pressure instruments, microsurgical instruments and other special instruments necessary to perform the operation as accurately and safely as possible. For best results, we can also use laser surgery, which allows for more effective and gentle tissue removal.

Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon sutures the edges of the wound, installs a drainage system to ensure blood, tumor debris, and materials are removed, and moves the patient to the recovery room.

If after “Radical” procedures the patient needs cosmetic and physical correction, our clinic also offers services as part of cancer treatment. We provide physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic massage, helping the patient to recover both physically and psychologically. It is important to us that our patients are ready to return to their daily lives and continue to lead an active lifestyle.