Description of a mad dog, a mad wolf and a mad jackal

Dogs and other animals mentioned sometimes develop rabies, that is, their nature turns into malignant, poisonous black bile. Such a transition occurs either from air, or from food, or from drinks. This happens from the air when extreme heat burns the dog’s juices and it goes crazy in the fall, or when extreme cold thickens the blood and turns it into black bile and the dog goes crazy in the spring. From food and drink, this occurs when a dog licks blood in butchers' shops, eats carrion and drinks rotten water, and its juices turn into putrid black bile. It also happens that her disposition changes when there is a change in nature, as happens with lepers. Sometimes the dog's body swells, its color becomes ashen and the causes of damage to its nature are further aggravated. The dog feels hungry, but does not eat, feels thirsty and does not drink water, and when it sees water, it shies away from it and abhors it. Often, when she smells water, she begins to shake and tremble, and most of all the skin on her face trembles; sometimes, especially at the end of the case, she even dies from fear of water. Her eyes are filmy, she walks around all the time with her tongue hanging out, distraught and not recognizing her owners. You see that her eyes are red, she looks from under her brows, with hostility, sticks out her tongue, emits foamy saliva, her nose runs and drips. Her head is down, her ears droop, and she moves them all the time, her back is hunched, and her spine deviates to the side, and you see that it is curved to the side or upward, and her tail does not move. The dog walks timidly, swaying as if drunk, it is sad, sad and stumbles at every step. When she sees the outlines of something in front of her, she runs and rushes at what she saw, no matter whether it is a wall or a tree or an animal. An attack is rarely accompanied by barking, and the dog does not bark at the person it is attacking, which is usual for dogs, but, on the contrary, remains sullenly silent, and if it barks, you hear that its bark is hoarse. You see that dogs turn out of her way and run away from her from afar, and if she unnoticed approaches the dog, it wags its tail, becomes timid and tries to run away.

A mad wolf is worse than a dog, as is a hyena the size of a wolf or a jackal.