Definition of conditions and natures of the eye and general discussion of its diseases

Determination of the state of the eye is made by touch, by its movement, by its vessels, by its color, shape, size, its inherent functions, by the quality of its secretions and by the quality of the influence it experiences. Determination by touch should make it possible to recognize whether the eye is hot or cold, hard and dry or soft and moist. As for the determination by movement, you must pay attention to whether its movements are made easily, which indicates warmth or dryness, and this is already felt to the touch, or whether the movements are made with difficulty, which indicates coldness and wetness. When determining by vessels, one must judge whether they are thick and wide, which indicates warmth, or whether they are thin and hidden, which indicates coldness, or whether they are empty, which indicates dryness, or full. , which indicates an accumulation of matter in the eye. As for determining the condition of the eye by color, each color indicates the corresponding predominant juice, that is, it is necessary to determine whether the color is red, yellow, lead or dark. As for the definition by shape, a good shape of an eye indicates its innate strength, while a bad shape indicates the opposite. The large and small size of the eye must be judged in accordance with what has been said regarding the head.

The definition by special properties is, for example, if the eye sees a barely noticeable object from afar and at the same time close, and if it does not suffer from rays that are reflected by bright objects, then it means it has a strong and balanced nature. If the visual power is weak and contrary to the above-mentioned condition, then there is a defect in his nature or in his structure. If the eye is able to recognize close objects, even if they are small, but is not able to recognize distant objects, then the pneuma of the eye is clear, healthy, but poor. Doctors explain that it is not sufficient to spread outward due to its rarefaction. By this they mean visual radiation, which, in their opinion, occurs depending on the amount of optic pneuma, and that the radiation goes out and meets visible objects. If the eye is not so weak as not to recognize distant objects, but does not see close small objects and recognizes them only when they are removed to an appropriate distance, then its visual pneuma is abundant, but cloudy, not transparent and not sparse, but rather moist, and the nature of the eye is moist. Doctors believe that it can be thinned out and clarified only by moving the visible object into the distance, because if the visual radiation moves away, then it becomes significantly rarer. If vision is weak in both respects, then the optic pneuma is both scanty and cloudy.

The definition of the condition of the eye by the type of discharge is as follows: if the eye is dry and does not fester, then it has a dry nature, and if it festers profusely, then it is very wet. The definition based on how the eye responds to various influences is this: if heat bothers him and cold is pleasant, then he has a hot nature disorder, and if on the contrary, then he has a cold nature disorder. Know that the average in any of these states is balanced, with the exception of very good vision, for such vision is balanced.

The eye is susceptible to all sorts of diseases, arising from disorders of nature, simple or with matter, from diseases of the combination of particles, as well as by complicity. Such conditions of the eye as blinking, closing and opening of the eyelids, coloring, lacrimation, make it possible to have a judgment about acute diseases, in which the cause should be sought. Further, diseases of the eye are sometimes inherent to it alone, and sometimes they are associated with other organs. What is most closely connected with the eye is the brain, the head and its outer and inner membranes and, in addition, the stomach. Every eye disease that is associated with the outer membranes is easier to cure than the opposite.