
Optical is a prefix used to designate an optical system or device. It comes from the Greek word “optikos”, which means “pertaining to vision” or “visual”.

Optical is used in various fields of science and technology to refer to devices that use optical principles to solve problems. For example, optical-electronic systems are used for image processing, and optical-mechanical devices are used in laser technology.

In addition, opto- is also used in medicine to refer to optical methods of diagnosis and treatment. For example, in ophthalmology, optical surgical instruments are used to correct vision and remove cataracts.

Thus, optical is an important and widely used attachment in various fields of science and technology. It allows the designation of devices and systems that operate based on optical principles, making it an important tool for the development of new technologies and innovations.

Optical prefix - for radio electronics, radio engineering and communications, a term that serves, as a rule, to form compound words from independent names of certain properties or signs of radiation (electromagnetic, light), its objects (sources, images, etc.), observation of characteristics these objects and recording information about them using an optical (optical) system. The use of the term for such purposes is due to the fact that the phrase or its individual parts, included in the lexical composition of the corresponding languages, including Russian, are more convenient and harmonious than the corresponding formulations from officially accepted definitions of physical quantities and other terms. Accordingly, words with this prefix, according to the structure of the morpheme, form in modern Russian several adjectives from the stems of nouns, mainly names.

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