Optical slice

An optical section is a section of any optical medium, or the shell of the eyeball. Illuminated by a narrow beam of light when examining the fundus using a slit lamp or other light source.

Examination of the fundus during an examination of the patient by an ophthalmologist, using a slit lamp and a special ophthalmic mirror, allows you to see the retina and other structures of the fundus of the eye, as well as assess their condition.

The optical section is one of the main diagnostic methods for eye diseases. It allows you to determine the presence of retinal dystrophies, tumors, hemorrhages, retinal detachments and other pathologies.

When examining the fundus of the eye, the doctor uses a special device - a slit lamp. This device consists of a lamp that creates a narrow beam of light and an ophthalmic mirror. The doctor places a mirror between the patient's eye and the slit lamp to create an image of the fundus on the screen.

During the examination, the doctor can identify diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and many others. It can also determine the presence of degenerative changes in the retina, which can lead to vision loss.

In addition, the optical section can be used to determine the condition of the fundus vessels and assess blood flow. This makes it possible to identify diseases such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and other vascular diseases.

Thus, the optical section is an important method for diagnosing eye diseases and allows us to identify many serious problems in the early stages. Regular fundus examinations can help prevent vision loss and keep your eyes healthy for years to come.

Optical slice

An optical slice is a section of some optical medium in the shell of the eyeball when examined using a slit medical device. The optical sectioning procedure is used for eye diseases and is not intended for routine diagnosis.

**When is optical cleaning necessary in ophthalmology:**

the patient complains of blurred vision, the appearance of colored spots before the eyes or dark fields; often a person feels a headache and has discomfort; In the patient's organ of vision, radiation diagnostics of the retina is carried out using other ophthalmological devices. To perform the procedures, you need to undergo a detailed examination by a doctor of the appropriate level. Diagnostic measures will require deciphering the results of a visual examination.