Black Fly

The black fly is a small, widespread blood-sucking insect of the genus Simulium. Black flies are also otherwise called bull gnats due to their humped appearance. The females of these flies cause painful bites and are very annoying to humans during the warm season. Simulium damnosum in Africa and Simulium ochraceum in Central America and Venezuela are carriers of parasites that cause onchocerciasis in humans, a disease characterized by nodular growths of connective tissue. Due to widespread black fly bites in some areas, people are forced to wear protective clothing and use repellents. The fight against black flies is carried out mainly by destroying the larvae in water bodies using insecticides.

Black Fly: a dangerous blood-sucking insect

The black fly, also known as the bull gnat, is a small but very nasty insect that can inflict painful bites and cause serious illness in humans. They belong to the genus Simulium and are widespread in many parts of the world, including Africa, Central America and Venezuela.

Black flies get their name from their hunchbacked appearance, which resembles a bull. These insects usually live near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and ponds, where they can breed and look for their prey.

Female black flies are blood-sucking insects and use their sharp teeth to pierce human skin and drink their blood. This process can be painful and cause itching and irritation. In addition, black flies can be carriers of various diseases that can seriously affect human health.

For example, in Africa, the black fly Simulium damnosum carries the parasite that causes onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. This disease can lead to poor vision and even complete blindness. In Central America and Venezuela, the black fly Simulium ochraceum can carry parasites that cause another serious disease known as recombinant gene fly type 2 (RFT2).

To prevent black fly bites and protect against diseases they may carry, it is important to take some precautions. For example, you can use insect repellent, wear protective clothing, cover yourself with mosquito netting, and avoid staying in areas where black flies are most common.

Overall, the black fly is a dangerous and unpleasant insect that can inflict painful bites and carry serious diseases. It is important to take precautions to protect yourself from these insects and avoid the negative consequences of their bites.

The Black fly (lat. Simulium damnosum s.l.) or otherwise called the big black fly (black midge) is a small flying arthropod insect (bloodworm) of the fly family. This type of fly is characterized by parasitism among Homo sapiens. They mainly live in the tropical climate zone, but there are areas where it is common and colder. They love fried food because they feed on the fat and blood it produces. They feed on blood on humans and other mammals; they mainly get sick from cows and goats.