Reina-Mouse Bone Suture

The Reina-Musch bone suture, also known as the Reina-Musch suture, is one of the most effective methods of joining bones for fractures. This method was developed in the 19th century by two famous surgeons - Franz Rein and Vladimir Mysh.

Rain and Mouse were known for their innovative approaches to treating bone fractures. In 1900, they introduced their new method, which involved using bone plates and screws to connect fractures. This method quickly became popular and was widely used in medical practice.

However, despite its effectiveness, the Rein-Musch suture had its drawbacks. It required a lot of time and effort to install and was also quite complex to complete. In addition, this method did not always give a good result, especially with complex bone fractures.

Currently, the Rhine-Musch suture is rarely used, as there are more effective and less invasive methods for treating fractures. However, it remains an important historical advance in the field of surgery and demonstrates that even the most innovative techniques can have their shortcomings and limitations.

We often hear stories about the various surgeries that are performed on our bodies, all of which involve complex procedures and surgeries, as well as traumatic memories for the patients. However, there is one operation that is distinguished by its uniqueness - this is a bone suture.