Blepharoconjunctivitis Angular

Angular blepharoconjunctivitis is a serious disease that cannot be ignored and left to chance. It is very important to seek medical help in time and begin treatment.

Symptoms Inflammation is accompanied by redness of the eye, pain and lacrimation may appear. In acute conjunctivitis, the eyes are red, the eyelids are hyperemic and swollen. During the process of tissue healing, the eyelids are red, their edges are swollen, soft, and a small scar may appear. If the disease is caused by the herpes virus, then the skin of the eyelids becomes thin and dry, and a skin scar does not always occur. With chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva with a risk of infection, relapses of the disease are characteristic at different intervals, but to a lesser extent than in the acute form. Symptoms are also possible: photophobia; pain when moving the eyes

Blepharo conjunctivitis Angular

Blepharo-conjunctivitis is a group of various inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and conjunctiva. They are not only a cosmetic problem, but can also indicate a systemic health problem. Treatment consists of local application