Organ Retroperitoneal

The retropertoneal organ, or retroperitoneolar organ, is one of the most interesting and mysterious organs of the human body. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity - the same cavity that contains our internal organs, some of which we consider absolutely important, such as the heart, lungs or liver. But, of course, not all organs have this peculiarity, which is so surprising - to receive their vital energy from organisms that eat food and drink water, but, in contrast, do not derive any benefit from their physical contacts with the environment. We are talking about the retroperteal organ. It lies just inside the abdominal cavity next to the spine, and its role is more than just separating the internal organs.

From an anatomical point of view P

The retroperitoneal organ is one of the important organs of the abdominal cavity, which is located behind the posterior abdominal wall, forming the outer lining of the transverse colon. This organ plays an important role in the functioning of the body and protecting internal organs from damage and infection.

The organ is a large capsule consisting of dense connective tissue and covered on the outside with two layers of dense connective tissue and partly fatty tissue. The structure of the organ includes several layers of tissue, including fat. The upper part of the organ consists of the peritoneum, which forms its connection with the abdominal cavity through the broad ligament. The lower part of the organ faces the sacral region and consists of loose connective tissue, blood vessels and lymph nodes.

The organ performs many functions that ensure the normal functioning of the body. One of its main properties is to provide thermal insulation and protection from