
Organelles are cellular structures that perform specific functions in the body. They can be either independent cells or part of larger structures. Organelles can perform various functions, such as protein synthesis, energy storage, substance transport, and others.

Organelles can be divided into several types depending on their function. For example, there are organelles that are responsible for protein synthesis, and there are those that are responsible for energy storage. Each organelle has its own structure and function, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cell.

Cells can contain several types of organelles, each of which performs its own function. For example, liver cells have ribosomes, which are responsible for protein synthesis, and muscle cells have mitochondria, which provide energy to the cells.

In addition, organelles may vary depending on the cell type. For example, nerve cells have axons that transmit electrical signals from one neuron to another, and muscle cells have myofibrils that contract when an electrical signal is received.

In general, organelles are an important part of the cell and are necessary for its normal functioning. They provide the cell with energy, building material and other necessary substances.

Organelles are permanent components of cells that perform various functions in it. For example, mitochondria produce energy for the cell.

Organelles are part of all living cells. These include:

  1. The nucleus regulates all life processes in the cell and stores hereditary information.
  2. Cytoplasm fills the cell and binds all its parts together. The cytoplasm contains hyaloplasm and organelles.
  3. Vacuole - contains cell sap, which is necessary for photosynthesis.
  4. Plastids - contain chlorophyll and carry out photosynthesis.
  5. Cell wall - protects the plant from damage.
  6. Shell - protects the cell from external influences.
  7. Golgi apparatus - responsible for the accumulation and removal of substances from the cell.
  8. Mitochondria produce the energy necessary for cell functioning.
  9. Ribosomes - participate in the synthesis of proteins, building them from amino acids.
  10. Lysosomes - digest and destroy cells.