Orchiepididymitis Erotic

Erotic orchiepiditis is an extremely unpleasant disease in which inflammation of the epididymis occurs. At the first sign of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to start the process. Long-term epididymitis can lead not only to male infertility, but also to other serious diseases - from prostatitis to oncological processes in the body. However, if you start treatment of orchiepidymitis at an early stage, you can avoid serious consequences. In the article you will learn what symptoms are characteristic of o. erotika, what reasons can provoke its development, as well as how this disease is diagnosed and treated. Erotic orchiepidiomycosis is an inflammatory disease of the male reproductive system, which is caused by infection and manifests itself as damage to testicular tissue. The pathological process has no characteristic features, so its occurrence is indicated by the appearance of pain in the scrotum area. The classification of types of the disease is represented by several factors, but the cause is always infection.