Ornithodoros Moubata

Ornithodoros moubata is a species of argasid tick that is the main vector of tick-borne epidemic relapsing fever in Africa and North America. The name Ornithodors comes from the Greek ορνίθος - bird and δορς - mite. It means "bird mites". Mubata in

Ornithodoras Moubata

**Ornithodoridae** - family of parasites - argasid mites ranging in size from 0.5 to 5 mm. The body is elongated, oval in shape, tapering at the sides, covered with short, coarse setae.

Ticks of this family are the smallest among all ticks of the genus Ornitodorus, the size of which can reach 5 millimeters. The gray-brown color is combined here with dark splashes. The fascial surface and teeth are wrinkled. There are devices for attaching to the owner and moving around his body. This type of tick, found on the skin of many animals, has thin and crooked legs to grab victims with, and a pointed capsule to get under the skin if it penetrates the outer cover of a large animal. Studded with many hooks, it holds tightly to its victim until it sucks the liquid from it. The feeding of insects is associated with a peculiar way of sucking blood from their host. Having sucked to the point of exhaustion, the tick leaves its victim. Insects of these genera are distinguished by their amazing ability to adapt and parasitize a wide variety of animals. Unlike representatives of other genera, they are found in all parts of the world. For example, representatives of the family Ornitodoridae are parasitized by a specific genus of ornithodoros - Mites. Ticks are not active during the daytime. They fall asleep during the day and become active in the evening. This explains the location of the bite - near the ears or chin of the victim. This in turn gives rise to the misconception that bites can occur during sleep or while sleeping. Such bites are due to the fact that, running through the fur, the insects plunge into the skin and thereby enter the hair follicles, which they can bite only in the morning. The blood of the Mubats is again obtained at night.

Ornithodoras moubata is a tick that is the main vector of the main pathogens of recurrent tick diseases in the African region of the continent. Ornitthodorzoa mubatosa is the main infectious agent of tick-borne reinfection and can lead to severe and life-threatening diseases such as Rickettsial tenosynovitis and Birtulicilla. Most often, this tick infects humans in forests, bushes and in some areas in the open air.

One of the most famous carriers of such diseases is Ornithoderas Moubota, it is present not only in