Orthodontic forceps

Orthodontic forceps are special instruments designed for adjusting apparatuses and devices used in orthodontics for the purpose of preventing and treating deformations of the dentition and jaws.

Orthodontic forceps are used by an orthodontist to correct the position of a patient's teeth and jaws. With their help, orthodontic devices are activated - braces, plates, arches, aligners and other devices. With tongs you can bend, straighten, untwist, compress various structural elements of the apparatus.

Structurally, orthodontic forceps have long handles for ease of use. The working ends are made in the form of sponges that tightly grip the adjustable element. Sponges can come in different shapes and sizes depending on the task being performed.

The use of specialized forceps allows the orthodontist to accurately and accurately adjust orthodontic appliances, achieving effective and safe bite correction.