Orthosiphon Staminate

Orthosiphon staminate: plant with diuretic activity

Orthosiphon staminate, also known as bud tea, is a plant that has diuretic properties and is widely used in traditional medicine. Its scientific name is Orthosiphon stamineus and its Latin name is Orthosiphon stamineus.

This plant grows in various countries, including Russia. In Russia, Orthosiphon staminate is grown by several pharmaceutical companies, including Aura-pharm, Ivan-tea, Krasnogorskleksredstva and the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory. It is also widespread in other countries, including Thailand and Indonesia.

Orthosiphon staminate is used in the form of various dosage forms, such as briquettes, filter bags and dried leaves. The plant contains various active components, including the glycoside orthosiphonin, triterpene saponins, tannins, essential oil, fatty oil and organic acids.

Orthosiphon stamen has a diuretic effect, that is, it promotes the removal of fluid from the body through the kidneys. Because of this property, it is used to treat edema associated with circulatory failure and also to improve kidney function. In addition, it can be used in the treatment of cholecystitis - inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder.

According to the reference book "Medicinal Herbal Remedies" edited by G. E. Pronchenko, published in 2002, no contraindications, side effects or interactions with other drugs were found when using orthosiphon stamen. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.

In general, Orthosiphon staminate is a plant with diuretic properties that has found use in traditional medicine. Its use may be useful in treating certain conditions associated with fluid retention in the body. However, as with any medication, it is recommended to consult a medical professional before use.

Orthosiphon, also known as kidney tea, is a diuretic herb that is produced from the leaves of Orthosiphon stamineus. The production of medicinal plants involves the use of various technologies to extract active components and produce finished products.

Orthosiphorus staminate is native to the region of eastern India and its cultivation and trade are considered profitable. The total area of ​​crop production in Orthosief ina is about 80,000