Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic care is specialized medical care provided to individuals with abnormalities in the development of teeth, dentition or jaws. It is a type of dental care and is aimed at eliminating defects and deformations in the teeth and jaws.

Orthodontic care includes various correction methods such as braces, aligners and other orthodontic devices. These devices help reposition teeth, resulting in improved oral appearance and functionality.

One of the most common methods of orthodontic care is the installation of braces. Braces are metal brackets that are attached to the teeth and hold them in the correct position. They can be installed on several teeth at the same time and can be used to correct various defects such as misaligned teeth, malocclusion and other abnormalities.

Additionally, orthodontic care may include the use of aligners. A mouthguard is a removable device that fits over your teeth and holds them in the desired position. A mouthguard can be used to correct small defects or to increase the space between teeth.

No matter what method of orthodontic care is used, it is aimed at improving the oral health and appearance of the teeth. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with an orthodontist, who will conduct an examination and determine which treatment method will be most effective in each particular case.

Overall, orthodontic care is an important element of dental care that helps improve the health and appearance of your teeth. It can be used to correct various defects of teeth and jaws, and allows people to enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile.

Orthodontic care is a type of dental service that helps correct misaligned teeth and the shape of the jaws. Every year the number of people with malocclusion increases, and orthodontists are making every effort to help them.

Orthodontists deal with problems of misaligned teeth, such as