
Orthopsychiatry is a new direction of modern psychiatry, which is closely related to orthopedics. Both areas present certain difficulties in matters of somatic, emotional, and mental health. What is orthopsychiatry? How can it help people who have abnormalities associated with the musculoskeletal system? What does it mean for general psychiatry? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

What is orthopsychology or orthopsychiatry? During sports, when injured, or during a routine routine examination, the doctor can detect hidden diseases of the musculoskeletal system that are not directly related to the human psyche. It is these problems that orthopsychology solves. This is a scientific branch of clinical psychology that deals with issues of the human psyche and its somatic abnormalities. The main direction of orthopsychology is the study of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, taking into account the psycho-emotional deviations of the patient and complex treatment of the entire etiology. Orthopsychology studies:

- symptomatic psychopathy: specific diseases, impaired motor functions and mental development in children occur before birth or in early childhood;