Orthosiphon Stamen (Kidney Tea)

Orthosiphon is an exotic plant species. There are several “Orthosiphons” in the world; they are representatives of the Saxifraga family. The most famous is fireweed, or flowering plant; its photo can be found on the Internet and recognized visually. Lakonos is also called “buds”.

Many have encountered the problem of impaired blood pressure, others turn to the doctor for support in connection with the kidneys or liver, experiencing pain on the right side below the ribs. In this case, he comes to the conclusion to replace the antibiotics with a herbal preparation and returns the necessary benefits to the body.

Properties of Orthosiphon

A medicinal decoction of fireweed buds removes excess fluid from the body. Swelling in the legs subsides, the diuretic effect of the stems brings rapid