Orthotoluidine Proba

The orthotoluidine test is a method for determining glucose in biological fluids, based on its interaction with orthotoluidine when heated in an acidic environment, leading to the formation of a blue-green color.

In this test, glucose reacts with orthotoluidine in the presence of acetic acid when heated, resulting in the formation of a blue-green quinoid compound. The intensity of the color is directly proportional to the concentration of glucose in the test sample.

The orthotoluidine test has previously been widely used to determine glucose levels in urine and blood. However, it has now been abandoned in favor of more modern and accurate methods, such as the glucose oxidase method. This is due to the lack of specificity and sensitivity of the orthotoluidine test, as well as the toxicity of orthotoluidine. However, this test has historical significance as one of the first methods for determining glucose in biological fluids.


The orthotoluidine test is used to determine the glucose content in blood and urine, since glucose has a good reaction with this substance. In order to carry out the analysis, it is necessary to perform several sequential operations. The accuracy of the analysis and the correctness of its results depend on them. Let's take a closer look.

Carrying out a test. Sample preparation. Analysis of the orthotoluidine compound is a mandatory step in the implementation of the method