
Oscillography (oscillation + photography) is a method for studying biological objects, based on photographing electrical signals that arise during the operation of the object under study. Oscillographic studies are widely used in medical practice to diagnose various diseases, as well as to study bioelectrical processes in the body.

Oscillography allows you to record electrical signals that arise as a result of the work of various organs and systems of the body. For example, when studying the heart, you can record the electrical activity that occurs when it contracts and relaxes. This information can be used to diagnose heart conditions such as arrhythmias.

In addition, oscillography can be used to study the nervous system. In this case, electrical signals arising in nerve endings during stimulation or damage are recorded. This allows you to assess the functional state of the nervous system and identify possible disorders.

One of the main advantages of oscillography is its high accuracy and sensitivity. Thanks to this method, it is possible to obtain information about the functioning of organs and systems that cannot be obtained by other research methods. In addition, oscillography is a relatively inexpensive and accessible research method, which makes it widespread in medical practice.

However, like any other research method, oscillography has its limitations. For example, it cannot always accurately determine the cause of the disease, and also does not allow assessing functional changes in the body in real time. Also, oscillography requires special equipment and qualified specialists, which may limit the availability of this research method for a wide range of patients.

In general, oscillography remains one of the most effective research methods in medicine. It allows you to obtain information about the functioning of various organs and systems of the body, which helps in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. In addition, this research method is relatively inexpensive and accessible, which makes it attractive to a wide range of medical professionals and patients.

Oscilloscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic method based on visual examination of the electrical signal obtained from tissues or organs by superimposing it on a reference signal wave.

Oscillography is carried out using specialized instruments - oscilloscopes. The research method is used only in medical institutions. The study is carried out once a year and in emergency cases. Diagnosis is painless, but discomfort is felt during prolonged examination.

The method is carried out in four stages, which consist of the following steps:

1. Cleansing the skin surface; 2. Applying the device to the surface of the patient’s body using the pressing method; 3. Recording waves; 4. View the resulting waveform.

Next, the doctor analyzes the data obtained and issues a conclusion.

In medical practice, oscilloscopy is a special method for studying the activity of the nervous system, which makes it possible to record electrical impulses arising during brain activity on paper tape or a special screen.

Primary studies include those that do not require additional instruments and units. The oscillogram provides information about the physiological basis of human consciousness and contains that part of the information that is reflected by the processes of regulation of their rhythms and