Proctitis Stagnant

Proctitis of stagnant nature

Proctitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the rectum and surrounding anal area, caused by various infectious causes. The congestive form of proctitis occurs with long-term constipation or constant hypodynamic sitting. These reasons lead to impaired blood circulation in the rectal mucosa, resulting in hemorrhages, thrombosis, prolapse of hemorrhoids, and an inflammatory infiltrate in the cavernous and muscular tissues of the rectum.

Congestive proctitis is treated conservatively, and in case of acute disease, symptomatic therapy is carried out. For paraproctitis and malignant neoplasms, surgical treatment methods are necessary.

The disease develops slowly, occurs without any symptoms and disappears on its own after a few days as a result of normalization of stool. The chronic course is manifested by abnormal stool (constipation), signs of inflammation (pain, itching, burning, mucus in the stool, purulent discharge from the anus). During remission, there may be a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the anus. The duration of the disease can vary - from several months to several years.

There are two forms of chronic stagnation in the rectum: acute and chronic. If, in the acute form, the skin in the anal area is very hyperemic and bleeds