Osteodystrophy Toxic

Toxic osteodysplasia is a condition in which disturbances occur in the structure and function of bone tissue caused by prolonged exposure to harmful substances or the conditions in which these substances are released. O. toxic occurs mainly in children and young people, less often in adults. Most often it manifests itself in regions where the chemical industry is developed, especially poisoning with harmful substances in factories.

Toxic osteodysplatasia occurs due to disruption of the normal process of bone formation and skeletal development. It can manifest itself in various forms and symptoms, for example: - expansion of the boundaries of the bone and its deformation; - irregular shape of bones and their surface; - large differences in bone length; Children and adolescents are most often susceptible to O. toxic, when intensive bone growth occurs, as well as the active sexual stage. Organic bone damage and inflammation of damaged bones pose a threat to human health.